The FedEx Pope

No way, Goofy Beck all day (although I refer to him as Fun Beck). Strangely, my favorite Beck album is one that most would consider Sad Beck (Mutations).

Yeah, I’m sure that’s why they hung out with supermodels.

The Weather Man is legitimately one of my favorite movies. Ten people have seen it, but it really struck me in the right place for whatever reason.

A normal president with a normal brain, folks.

The Fast and Furious movies are a lot of fun, and I get why this got the nod, but Ghost Protocol is really a hell of an action movie.

I bet we got plenty of Rothheads out here.

They should re-name it “HOW DO YOU DO, FELLOW KIDS?” the TV Show.

Most of our very bad local beat writers spent the summer showering the Bulls with praise for finally “picking a direction” by trading Jimmy Butler for peanuts. The direction being, I suppose, a complete tear down and rebuild. What it really was, however, was a tacit admission that GarPax were too goddamn stupid to

Up here in the Great Lakes region we call them “Walmart Wolverines”, as in Michigan Wolverines.

My instinct is to say Into the Great Wide Open. It’s not his best song, but it’s probably my favorite.

He is, but his three daughters formed a band.

Yeah, you’re right, the article is wrong.

*Earnest comment alert* I went to the first of these two shows and it was a pretty incredible experience. I was lucky enough to go to a bunch of Cubs games last season, including the clincher against the Dodgers, and this concert really wove into the whole story of last summer and fall for me. The world largely sucks

I think he’s pretty much living as Frank Reynolds full-time now.

Michael Ian Black’s twitter account is notable for his prolonged horniness for Meghan McCain.

Mark Hamill being an exceptionally nice person IRL makes me feel a little bit better about the world. I couldn’t handle it if Luke Skywalker was a huge dick in real life.

Danny DeVito’s “Antonin Scalia retire bitch” tweet is the greatest piece of celebrity social media that has ever or will ever be created. By default, he’s my pick. Second place would be Gary Busey.

Wait, is that true? I had no idea. I kinda feel like a jerk now.

Stag fucking rules. It is a relic of a bygone era when beer just tasted generically like “beer.” I suppose it’s the downstate Illinois/eastern Missouri equivalent of Old Style or Special Export: a beer that is legally beer and little else.

Yeah, neither of them totally nailed it, but I guess Pharaoh’s was at least more accurate. I think Obama was a hard person to satirize via impression, since he always came across as so collected and professorial. You can mimic the speech patterns and ticks (“Let me be clear...”) but there isn’t really any pathos to