The FedEx Pope

A Dril for every occasion.

Peter Daou is like one of those Japanese soldiers in the Pacific still fighting WWII decades after it ended. He refuses to surrender or log off. He will never stop posting to defend Hillary’s honor.

The bonus episode of Chapo that dropped today is full of Peter Daou. They truly respect his insane, unrequited love for Hillary Clinton.

What’s the exchange rate between Verrit Bucks and Camel Cash?

Well sure there are “business” reasons you wouldn’t call it Lady Ghostbusters, but it would be funnier to me. And that’s what’s really important.

Yeah, it was bluesy and had a good, pounding Michael Anthony bass line.

It failed because it looked like a big piece of crap. Also, they should’ve just called it Lady Ghostbusters. That would’ve been a better and funnier title.  

I had to double check to make sure I didn’t actually type Theon.

I can’t picture anyone other than Theron as Furiosa. She was perfect in that role.

I’ve heard accusations of studio execs of drumming up faux outrage around Lady Ghostbusters as a marketing ploy. I have no idea if that’s true or not.

I guess I meant it was a little out of left field considering that I had been listening to Steely Dan and Queens of the Stone Age. Low is probably my favorite Bowie album.

Lots of Steely Dan (Katy Lied through Aja in particular), still on the new QOTSA and, strangely, Bowie’s Low.

Funny you mention Wilco, because QOTSA and Wilco are my two favorite bands as well as two of the very few rock groups who still put out albums I’ll drop everything to listen to.

Gaucho runs out of steam, but the first half is solid. Babylon Sisters is one of my favorite Dan songs.

Calling Bill Maher a comedian is an awfully big stretch.

Look, maybe if you made a cable TV series that went from entertaining-if-mildly depressing to head-so-far-up-its-own-ass-its-eyes-are-in-its-small-intestine, you too could get away with a misstep like forcing female comics to watch you masturbate in a hotel room here and there.

Can HBO instead fire Bill Maher for being terminally smug and unfunny?

I do think about that. Is he like the mop-top era Beatles, pining to break free of his image and make his deep-fried Revolver?

Guy Fieri is fine and his show is fine. It’s not aspiring to be art, it’s doesn’t break new ground, but it’s perfect to half pay attention to while you’re cooking or cleaning the house. Yeah, he’s a big goofball with dumb hair and I can’t imagine myself going to one of his restaurants, but he’s not hurting anyone.

Fair Warning was also great. Unchained rules.