The FedEx Pope

Bird MILF, thank you. My self deprecating comment was more about how much time I’ve spent over-analyzing late 70s/early 80s party rock music, but I really do think that Van Halen was a uniquely great band.

Take Your Whiskey Home might be my favorite Van Halen song. It’s at least in my top 3.

Maybe Ratner could cast Kelsey Grammer as Chewbacca?

Paul Verhoeven’s Star Wars Episode IX.

Believe me, I love Fair Warning, too.

I think the secret weapon of Van Halen was always Micheal Anthony, and he really stood out on WACF.

The Comey thing was probably the final nail in the coffin for her. The Russia leaks were bizarre. A lot of it exposed of stupid political infighting in the DNC (not to mention all the insane Pizzagate nonsense) but I don’t recall any huge “bombshells” in it. Maybe there were and I just forgot, July 2016 feels like it

Definitely. In hindsight, this was an election about establishment backlash. One side didn’t see it. The other side didn’t see it, either, but backed into it on total, disastrous accident. Basically, everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Murphy’s Election.

I’m a big ol’ moron who loves DLR-era Van Halen and gives them more serious, critical thought that they probably deserve. That said, Women and Children First is a secret masterpiece and maybe my favorite album of theirs.

Let’s say half of that 25% actually followed through and voted for McCain. That’s still on par with the Bernie supporters flipping to Trump. Obviously, that didn’t matter in 2008, and it shouldn’t have mattered last year. The margins shouldn’t have been that thin against a game show host who wasn’t even trying to win.

Oh, I can totally see not voting/voting third party as an alternative. I think that was what ultimately did her in. I’m talking specifically about the people who supported Sanders in the primary and then voted for Trump in the general. I can’t see any good, policy-based motivation for that.

Wow, this is the most wrong thing I’ve ever read.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I much preferred Bernie in primary season, even though I knew his chance to win the nomination was minuscule to non-existent. I voted for Hillary in the general, despite my reservations. I can’t see how anyone could flip from one end of the American political spectrum to the other in

The damn Bernard Brothers forced Slay Kween Hillary to keep a world-historically incompetent dullard like Robbie Mook around to run her campaign. If only they had targeted their online memes and insults at him instead.

25% percent of Hillary supporters in 2008 supporters went on to vote for McCain. This shit is marginal.

Hell, even a Steve Bono would be an upgrade for half of the NFL.

I know way too many people born and bred in the Chicago metro area, whose parents are also from the Chicago metro area, who are Packers fans. It’s beyond obnoxious.

It looks like some crazy field hockey/baseball/lacrosse hybrid with the violence cranked up to 11.

The correct spelling is “tits.”

I’m glad that the phrase “brain genius” is going mainstream (even though the true spelling is “brain genious”).