The FedEx Pope

Also, Lake Michigan isn't that wide. You could make it over to the Michigan side before you died of dehydration. Of course, you wouldn't die on dehydration since you were floating in the middle of one of the biggest bodies of fresh water in the world.

I respect how stupid it was. It was perfect.

Mysterio Jr.

Machina II…wait.

That may be the case, but the Smashing Pumpkins are basically just "Billy Corgan and three hired guns" nowadays.

Is there even a distinction between a Smashing Pumpkins album and a Billy Corgan solo album anymore?

Zwan was good.

Billy "The Mouth Of The Upper Midwest" Corgan.

I was thinking that the other day. Did they change the costume design for the White Walkers?

The show has been good about delivering big, dumb, fun set pieces but almost nothing else. It went from a show about court intrigue and politicking with the occasional big battle scene to a show about a bunch of idiots with armies and dragons fumbling around, trying not to screw up too much.

He seems like a quintessential “hall of very good” type of guy.

It's true.

To answer your question, the show has gotten very stupid and doesn't have to follow its own internal logic anymore.

Late 2000s indie having a nostalgia wave is one of the first things to make me feel truly old. That, and turning 30, I guess.

Yeah, I also don't have much time for that kind of humor any more, but I can't get enough of Cum Town. They have a good Three Stooges type dynamic.

It's very funny but, uh, not for everyone.

I burned out on Mars Volta after Frances The Mute, but good on ya for keeping the faith.

This is a good one. I can't really talk about High On Fire without any or my friends or coworkers without eyes glazing over.

You can eat that goddamn roast beef or you can go to BED.

Yes, holy cow yes. I love it but I couldn't even begin to sell it to someone who wasn't a Tom Green fan 15 years ago.