The FedEx Pope

I agree totally. I love it but I can't articulate why.

I'm far, far from the type to complain about "PC Police" and all that stupid bullshit, and I totally understand that words can hurt and have consequences. That said, most comedy sucks ass now. It's bad and not funny.

I went from the stupid, ironic "LOL Guy Fieri" type to unironically liking DDD. It's good TV.

His run from Tha Carter 2 up to Tha Carter 3 and all the mixtapes in between is absolutely untouchable. He kinda broke his own brain with lean and such over the years, but he was a force of nature at his peak.

I remember being 14, recovering from surgery, being in a vicodin haze and watching several hours of Battlebots. I didn't even like the show, but I just melted into the couch and…watched.

That's a good one. I love it, a lot of my friends love it, but my wife absolutely abhors it. I have to watch it alone while she's not around like it's pornography or something.

The old fashioned got really trendy due, in part, to Mad Men. That's probably about as easy drinking as whiskey drinks get.

My parents are Zappa fans, so I was introduced to him real early. It was funny to watch my friends slowly stumble upon Joe's Garage and such as I got older, seeing as it had kind of been part of the background noise of my childhood.

Mine's easy: Cum Town.

That's true. I probably don't have a point beyond liking Grizzly Bear and not liking Lil Peep.

The Tribune (I assume you’re talking about the Chicago Tribune because I’m a provincial doofus) has some of the absolute worst editorials in the game. I’ve always been a Trib reader despite this, but if I never had to see John Kass’s orange mug again, I would be a happy man.

I had the same experience with them early on. They performed on Conan back in 2009 and I thought they were pretty boring, but I gave them another shot and really liked what I heard.

The Lil Peep review was almost indistinguishable from a parody of Pitchfork. Good grief.

No, they're too busy writing scholarly analyses of dorks like Lil Peep.

It is kind of a farce. The heist is kind of an afterthought.

It stands apart from the other two, I guess because it takes place in Europe, but it has a different feel, too. I like it.

The Seven has nothing to do with Heart Trees. That's all Old Gods of the North.

Oh, I enjoyed it. The bit with Matt Damon's prosthetic nose is some of the best stuff of the series, Pacino is in full on late Pacino bluster, I just think I like 12 better.

I hate it so much. You curate a museum, not a playlist, you goddamn blowhards.