Kuma's/Kuma's Too is every bit as good if not better than Au Cheval. I also really like Bad Apple on Lincoln in North Center. Basically, there are plenty of places to get good burgers where you don't have to wait in line for hours.
Kuma's/Kuma's Too is every bit as good if not better than Au Cheval. I also really like Bad Apple on Lincoln in North Center. Basically, there are plenty of places to get good burgers where you don't have to wait in line for hours.
Au Cheval is good and all, but not worth waiting two hours for.
Avid pedophile and sandwich collector = fancy way to say former Subway spokesman.
Mike D with the master plan (for wine pairings).
I will be writing about it four different ten paragraph suites.
That's a nightmare scenario for me.
She looks good, there's no way around it.
I think that's Lady Gaga, but your point stands.
I had a lot more patience as a kid and loved songs that were like, ten minutes long. For that reason, Sky Valley was my favorite album of theirs. Now that I'm older and my attention span has been zapped by Spotify and iTunes, I appreciate songs that get to the point more quickly.
I went through a major Kyuss phase in high school but totally ignored Circus. I've recently rectified that mistake and love it.
Rob Lowe is perfect in that role. I really love that movie.
I caught Candelabra on HBO right after it premiered and liked it about 1000x more than I was expecting to. Matt Damon and Michael Douglas were great in it.
Ocean's 12 is better than its reputation. I didn't love it the first time I saw it, but it grew on me. All three are perfectly cromulent films to watch on a Sunday afternoon.
I think I like Ocean's 12 more than most, but 13 was too much of a rehash of 11.
Yes, Mr. Gumby, everything stinks.
Jon hanging Ollie was at least justified. The kid did partake in his assassination, after all.
Trying to claim legitimacy as the exiled daughter of an insane, hated, and ultimately deposed king isn't a great strategy. I think that's where the pompousness comes in.
It would've taken too much prosthetic work to make Emilia Clarke look like Charles II.
I went with Princes of the Universe in my head.
I think it's roundly accepted that The Seven are bogus. The Drowned God may or may not be bogus.