The FedEx Pope

Yeah, I never got a "cynical cash grab" vibe from the prequels. They're very earnest (maybe even too much so) but also obviously flawed. I think George Lucas would've been better served ceding some control, because it seems like he kind of got tunnel vision.

Those damn hipsters and their cred. They love the stuff!

It didn't help that Hayden Christensen has all the charisma of a bag of wet sand.

I gave up on even trying to figure out what the deal was with the First Order, Leia's whole resistance thing, and why the new republic wouldn't just fight the First Order directly instead of funding rebels to do their dirty work for them.

It did not age well at all, and he doubled down on it with the prequels, which look like a cut scene from a PS2 game.

Yeah, I recall that you could only get t shirts and such at places like comic book stores. It wasn't until later on that every Target and Wal Mart had shelves of Star Wars merchandise.

Was that the fighting game? I played that a bunch with my Milhouse-like sidekick.

I have a shoe box full of them somewhere at my parents' house. I remember wanting to keep them in the packaging because I was sure they would be worth a fortune some day, but I was also in fourth grade and had no impulse control.

The THX remastered set! That was my first exposure to Star Wars, which lead right into the Special Edition.

I really gave it a try, but it was completely indecipherable to me and my 10 year old brain. I had a ton of those cards, though. I thought they were really cool.

I get the impression that the Night's Watch more or less is a "government" institution, just a grossly neglected one.

In next week's episode, Bronn fatally wounds Drogon via a board with a nail stuck in it.

I don't think they have to be ridden by a Targaryen, but Targaryens are the most likely to be able to ride them. Also, I think Bran is going to warg into one of the dragons. "You will fly" and such.

Jungle 2 Jungle is great if only because it gave us Norm Macdonald as Larry King saying "If you only see one film the rest of your life, it should be 'Jungle 2 Jungle.'"

I think the first movie I saw on DVD was Little Nicky in, like, 2001. Talk about a great first impression.

The musical number in Jedi is one of the most cringe-inducing things ever put on screen. I can't watch it without being humiliated on behalf of everyone involved (except for George Lucas, who has no shame).

*Pushes up glasses extremely hard* Actually, they added Ian in for the DVD edition. The 1997 Special Edition still had the crappy special effect.

I was 12 and similarly left thinking it didn't feel "right." Like, I still can't quite put my finger on it, but it just felt like more of a Star Wars knockoff than a proper Star Wars film.

If they wanted short songs, it should've just been a whole album of Anal Cunt covers.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater got me into Primus. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.