The FedEx Pope

Tower Records was cool and a whole different beast than your run of the mill mall store like Sam Goody.

Oh they're horny, but they've suppressed it to a huge degree.

Used CD stores were so much more fun to shop at than FYE/Sam Goody.

Hmm I suppose my Walkman was wider than it was long…

I guess that explains the popularity of the Chainsmokers.

I saw the phrase "horny weepy beard guy" on Twitter and it's been rattling around my head for a while. It's perfect.

Ah man, I listened to Punk O Rama vol. 5 on repeat for an entire semester in eighth grade. Some of the band names mentioned in this article take me way, way back. Time to throw on my Independent Trucks t shirt and Volcom jeans and get nostalgic.

It rules so much.

So I was ready to dismiss this article out of hand because I hate Deadspin’s edgelord campaign against the MLS, but I found myself agreeing with a lot of this. I generally like the MLS and appreciate their ambition, but the rapid expansion thing seems a little fishy.

The Glenn Danzig book collection video belongs in the library of congress.

They're everything I want, they're everything I need.

Yeah it was really long and I just couldn't get into it. I like every other PT Anderson movie I've seen, but I wasn't feeling Magnolia.

Yeah, having no charisma is kind of the point with Dirk Diggler.

I think I'm gonna have to re-watch Magnolia because it did very little for me.

I had the original version that still had "Bleed American" on the cover before 9/11 made them change it.

It's really, really bad. That whole genre of tame late 90s adult alternative rock sucked so much, but Marcy Playground might have been the worst of the bunch.

I kinda hate that the show turned Thorne into one of the mutineers. I know the show hadn't invested any time in Bowen Marsh, so his leading of the mutiny wouldn't have carried any weight, but I like that in the books Thorne is still out there.

Honestly, the Targaryens deserved to be wiped out. Rhaegar was a dummy, his dad was insane, and his younger brother was just as bad. Robert was a crappy king and his son was worse, but the Targaryen dynasty had run its course.

Right, I guess that makes sense. Jon is still more or less "whole."

Man, one swing of a big ass hammer into Rhaegar's chest sent poor little Jon Snow from being king of the Seven Kingdoms to freezing his buns off on the Wall.