The FedEx Pope

I feel like they haven't really addressed this on the show with Jon. Beric talks about how he barely remembers his life before going to King's Landing, but Jon seems more or less no worse for the wear after being brought back,

Like, an effort to keep the Stark kings away from the spirits/gods/whatever? I hadn't thought of that before.

Baelish betrayed Ned and set off the chain of events that led to his death, but you're right.

The Tyrells don't even have a great claim to Highgarden. They were stewards raised up to lords by the Targaryens, but there were older families with better claims to it, so I don't think it's a stretch to think it will end up with someone else in the books, too.

The Old Gods of the North is less a formal religion and more of a pagan-like belief, I think. "Magic" wouldn't necessarily be at odds with their belief, I don't think.

I think they sent Aliser Thorne south because he knew people in King's Landing.

I think it's more that they're the symbol of how badly the show biffed the whole Dorne subplot.

I've barely watched non-sports/non-local news broadcast TV since Parks and Rec ended.

Elane go on bumble and match up with Bania. Jary date instagram thot.

You mean starring in the Benghazi movie isn't enough for you? He's just one man!

Aided by the mysterious Dr. Van Nostrand.

Chunnel: The Series.

You had me at Jeff Goldblum.

"Folks can't get enough of that Chelsea Handler, so they'll surely go wild for her non-union brunette equivalent."

They should do that weird uncanny valley CGI thing from Rogue One for Jerry Orbach. The people demand Lennie Briscoe, dammit!

"Immortal Kenneth throughout the ages" is an alright pitch for a show.

Please do not wish something as evil as a new season of The Newsroom into existence. Don't even speak of it.

I think Kirstie Alley's "religion" frowns on that.

The crime *SOLVING* boat!

Now we're talking.