The FedEx Pope

Oh man, I can't imagine doing that to myself. I've seen people reference it on Twitter and such, and it's so bad that it almost seems like a parody of the hollow "woke" centrist types.

They did a little backstory dump last week when Jaime mentioned that he was the only commander to beat Robert Baratheon in open battle, but otherwise he's just been Sam's mean dad.

I still can't believe Adam carried out a coordinated harassment campaign while sharing an Uber with that woman.

I wasn't able to get a ticket, but I'm moving the next day so I probably wouldn't have been able to go anyway. They could probably fill a venue the size of Lincoln Hall at least.

That was one of their best bits of all time. It was so totally perfect I almost think Adam got his ear pierced explicitly so it could be a bit on the show.

*Casio instrumental break on a loop*

That's true. I suppose word hadn't made its way up north yet, or it's another instance of this non-linear timeline thing they have going on this season.

True, but I guess what I'm saying is that the knights of the Reach seemed like they were showy tournament knights. I guess I'll take a lunchpail, gritty grinder infantryman over one of those flashy diva knights.

At least with Cersei there's some sort of plausible deniability. It's flimsy and everyone knows it's bogus, but she can have the official line of "what a tragic accident." The Sand Snakes just straight up murdered everyone in the light of day.

I don't get the sense that anyone really liked or trusted the Freys. Even before the Red Wedding, they were looked down upon by just about everyone. Walder Frey was seen as a coward going all the way back to Robert's Rebellion. I understand there were like a million of them, but I don't see anyone weeping for their

Yeah, Bran left as a little boy and came back the size of an NBA small forward.

Yeah, Bran is widely believed to be dead and unless Varys has little birdies at Castle Black, there's not really any way for her to know otherwise.

She's a bad character with a bad accent. Good riddance.

This show had adopted the Simpsons' "Knightboat" logic. There's always a canal or an inlet or a fjord.

They didn't have the time to fully flesh out his mystical pirate demigod characterization from the books, so they just sort of made him a generic bad guy,

I think the show is still entertaining, but it's kind of just become a series of "totally kewl big battle scenes" with little connective tissue between them. I can't fully articulate what my problem with the show is, but I agree that there is some fundamental misunderstanding of GRRM's books going on. Jon's speech

Wine in a can is Qyburn's next major innovation. It will allow Cersei to gesture wildly without spilling.

Robb was a good strategist but a bad politician. He won every battle but lost the war because he couldn't keep his coalition together.

It didn't help that, at the Blackwater, he was going up against one of the best military strategists around in Stannis. He was absolutely going to lose until Deus Ex Tywin showed up.

I liked that they highlighted how ineffectual the Reach's army really is. I just imagine them as a whole army of chivalrous dandies like Loras. All of their martial prowess came from Randyll Tarly, and that bald jerk switched sides on them.