"How is no one talking about the mass murder of the Freys?"
"How is no one talking about the mass murder of the Freys?"
It was weird that the Dornish were fine with the murderer of their leader just sort of taking over.
The show is gonna add dingus failson Quentyn Martell at the last minute and radically change his story from ADWD maybe?
*Pushes up glasses nerdily* Dorne is the least populated of the Seven Kingdoms.
Ah, that's right.
I enjoyed that movie a lot. Hartnett was great, Bruce Willis was trying, it had Morgan Freeman and Sir Ben Kinglsey as dueling mob bosses, Lucy Liu was…there.
Upvoted entirely for the Tin Cup reference.
Oh behave!
It was a little dated by the time the movie came out. The poker fad was kind of on its last legs by 2006.
Ah yes, the real life Jackie Jormp-Jomp movie.
Please do not slander beloved outsider art film Freddy Got Fingered.
I had completely and totally forgotten about that movie until just now.
It's a shot for shot remake of Danny DeVito's sex scene in Lethal Weapon 5.
Sounds an awful lot like They Live.
The Dissolve was too good for this world.
Nagel knockoff images were still really ubiquitous when I was youngster in the early/mid 90s, at least they were in whatever suburban hair salons/clothing stores/etc my mom dragged me to. I had no idea they who Nagel was until a few years ago. I just always thought of them as "generic 80s prints of pale women."
You are either very young or a very late bloomer.
Listening to the new Chelsea Wolfe song and, as a result, other Chelsea Wolfe songs.
Maybe the point they're trying to make is that women can be lame edgelords just as easily as men. True equality.
Feeling personally attacked by this due to the inclusion of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.