The FedEx Pope

No Code is a good album.

It was hard to tell that was French because he wasn't carrying a baguette or wearing a beret.

He doesn't even have the weird black eye!

House Gardner of the Reach and House Durrandon of The Stormlands were both wiped out during Aegon's conquest, so I guess there is some sort of precedent for this, if not on this scale.

Yeah, there was an older Tyrell son who basically had nothing to do with the story. I think they tried to marry Sansa off to him?

It's funny and very stupid. Or at least I remember it that way.

You don't want no part of this, AV Club.

I spend way too much time thinking way too seriously about DLR-era Van Halen and I gotta agree with you on this one.

The Big Man, to be specific.

The sleaziest sax riffs were in Lethal Weapon.

It really is too bad that Jim Morrison's cornball specter looms so large over the The Doors. There's a lot of music to like but I have to work so hard to separate it from the whole Jim Morrison Tortured Poet nonsense that it's not really worth it.

It really is tremendous.

Any of Jon Fishman's vacuum cleaner solos, really.

Was Chevelle nu metal, or were they part of that bland post-grunge trend along with Seether and Breaking Benjamin?

They seemed to be trying to do something other than just butt-headed lyrics and downtuned guitars. It didn't always work, but there was some sort of higher ambition, at least.

No, I'm with you on the "it's just a movie" aspect not being a mark against it. Movies like this are almost obsolete anymore. The middle has been carved out of the industry to a degree where movies that aren't arthouse Oscar-bait or big summer blockbusters barely exist.

Bane is such a goofy, dumb character but I can't help but love him. Maybe it's because I like Tom Hardy, but I just can't get enough of Bane and his weird Scottish Darth Vader voice.

I could almost buy it being intentional because something something haziness of memory, but I think it's just kind of grubby.

It's clever enough, but not really all that cerebral. It's a neat idea that's well executed and fun. Really, that's all that I'm looking for from a big movie.

This works so much better than the actual plot.