Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, duh.
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, duh.
I have that conversation with myself about guitar gear a lot. "How much better is that very, very expensive Orange amp than the Peavey I have now?" It's a cost-benefit situation.
Four Horsemen is easily the best song on Kill 'Em All.
Stevie Ray Vaughn made Texas Flood, so he'll always be aces in my book.
I have a lot of contrarian takes about boomer music, but I utterly and truly believe that Hendrix was the best artist of that whole late 60s era and I don't think anyone will talk me out of that.
It's like when I stop to think about how Are You Experienced? and Axis: Bold as Love came out in the same year. I can't even fathom that in this day and age.
I went through a Primus phase but never really got much in to Ween or TMBG, but I can see how they're all lumped together.
I had a guy yell at me on Twitter for saying All Things Must Pass is better than anything by the Beatles as a group. I stand by my take!
The Brasky family crest is a barracuda eating Neil Armstrong!
"10,000 didgeridoos!"
Sabbath Vol. 4 is better than Pet Sounds and Sgt. Pepper's combined.
I assumed that box set was assigned to every suburban dad when their first child was born.
RC Cola!
Big time Warner Bros guy here.
Are you me? Because that is my exact memory of listening to songs from Pet Sounds (Wouldn't It Be Nice, in particular).
Can't argue with this.
Now we're talking about the classics.
It's the best album by an ex-Beatle by a dang country mile.
Actually, it didn't start mattering until Van Halen came out in 1978.