Everybody's Got Something Too Hide is an absolute keeper.
Everybody's Got Something Too Hide is an absolute keeper.
It's kind of like the similarly overstuffed Mellon Collie in that regard. There are tracks you could lose, but not enough of them to cut it down to one album.
I think it's their best, even with all the filler.
I don't mean to pick a fight, but Magical Mystery Tour sucks complete ass.
You must not have been in high school in the early 2000s, then. They were inescapable.
Mike Love should be tried in The Hague.
My dad had a Rocky Racoon-themed tie (it was basically an illustration of the plot of the song, IIRC) so that song has a special place in my heart. That, and it's on the White Album, which is the only Beatles album I really, truly love.
That's his best granny song, in my opinion.
That's right.
I was in high school when these movies came out, so I was similarly naive, but tapping into that deep fear being buried alive was enough to pull me in. I spent a lot of time thinking about how many times I would have to punch something the way she does in order to escape being buried alive.
I think it's more or less commonly accepted that Fellowship is the best one, right?
I see what you're saying. I think it works in Pulp Fiction, but comes across as stilted elsewhere.
I haven't watched it all the way through since it first came out. I might have to try again now, since my 16 year old brain couldn't keep up.
The Italian Job is a real good movie.
Why do you want to say the N-word so bad?
There was a good movie lurking somewhere in the second Matrix. The less said about the third one, though, the better.
The first time I ever tried edibles I ended up going to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3. All I remember is the scene with rocks turning in to crabs or something, and some cornball inspirational speech from Keira Knightly.
The buried alive scene has so much tension. It's incredible.
No, that 100% happens and it rules.
A friend of mine got his hands on the extended, 20-some minute version on vinyl. That was in heavy rotation during the summer of 2004.