Hah, yeah that probably sounded more ominous than I intended. He's been a mixed bag since Kill Bill 2. He's made his two worst movies post-Kill Bill 2 (Django and Death Proof) but he also made one of his best (Inglorious Basterds).
Hah, yeah that probably sounded more ominous than I intended. He's been a mixed bag since Kill Bill 2. He's made his two worst movies post-Kill Bill 2 (Django and Death Proof) but he also made one of his best (Inglorious Basterds).
I'm of the age where I grew with T2 as *the* Terminator movie and the first one was seen as lesser. That said, I totally agree that T2 undercuts the original to a pretty huge degree, I just don't care and love T2 anyway.
Now THAT is a take.
I was just about to say something similar. Compared to T2, it felt very small.
She looked like she was made out of twisted rebar.
I think about that scene all the time when I'm putting kitchen knives back in the block.
I use this analogy all the time, but it's like getting mad at Pearl Jam because of Creed.
I went through a similar Tarantino burnout around that time.
Let's not forget, calling them the "Crazy" 88 is ableist. Please read my Tumblr post about it.
I remember almost nothing about Planet Terror, but I really enjoyed Death Proof. Kurt Russell was great.
I think I appreciated it more than I liked it. It was a gorgeous movie, and the first half slow burn was great, but I think the ending left me wanting.
I don't hate Kill Bill 2, but it's definitely a harbinger of things to come for Tarantino. Sometimes, though, two characters talking at each other from opposite sides of a table works (the opening of Inglorious Basterds).
It's a public domain take. It's free for anyone to use.
Yeah it's extremely direct. "The love gun is my dick and you're making me cum. End of story."
It's a universally good and true take, so we can all share it.
Dio fucking rules and Gene Simmons is one of the biggest assholes in music history. That's my take.
The only Kiss song I really like is Love Gun and that's all Paul Stanley.
It also bugs me when people flip the bird redneck-style with the thumb out.
I have absolutely no warm feelings towards the KSA, but one of the few things that bugs me about Chapo is Felix constantly shoehorning digs at Saudi Arabia into wholly unrelated conversations. I get that he's more or less the show's expert on the subject, but it always kinda deflates the conversation when he does it.
Yeah I remember thinking that part of 40 Days and 40 Nights was super cool when I was, like, 12.