At long last, a conclusion to what could easily be confused as a Chapo Trap House bit come to life.
At long last, a conclusion to what could easily be confused as a Chapo Trap House bit come to life.
He was good as Dracula.
It was a good pop record.
"Photograph" is that song for me. It whips ass.
November Rain is a big, dumb, overstuffed cheeseball ballad, but the solo at the end rules so much, it kinda makes up for everything else.
My second favorite joke ever behind Norm Macdonald's "Moth Joke."
I love the part where they outrun the cold or whatever. It's a really dumb movie but it's enjoyably dumb.
Goodfelllas is that movie for me.
I like both!
I generally enjoy Wes Anderson movies, but I totally understand why some people can't stand him.
It came out right before my senior year of high school, so I definitely liked it for a while, but it got real old real fast. I couldn't imagine liking it if it came out when I was any older, though.
It went for the cutesiness of a Wes Anderson movie, but without all the craftsmanship.
*Looking at my copies of A Feast For Crows and A Dance With Dragons while nodding solemnly*
Warner Brothers cartoons were so much better than Disney.
The only brand I could ever see myself becoming like that with is Fender guitars, and that would only be if I had an obscene amount of disposable income.
Yeah, leave that to the Marvel and DC nerds.
My wife's friend grew up in a house like that. Just absolutely packed to the gills with Disney garbage. I think they went to Disney World every year or something, too. It was bizarre.
You watch your ass!
You were right about Fellowship being the best.
So I guess nerds have always been prone to getting mad about the movie versions of their interests/obsessions.