The FedEx Pope


Yeah, Brian Williams had to go get a clean pair of boxers when they cut to commercial. It was bizarre.

I feel like he's been 70 years old my entire life.

Metal Health does, in fact, rule.

That line got me the hardest.

This is a pretty easy one for me: Jimmy Fallon. I loathe him with every inch of my body.

See, I love Verne but hate Gary Danielson.

You guys also have multiple-DUI recipient Dan McLaughlin!


Yeah, I hate Jim Nantz. Costas is impressive because he's able to pack so much smugness in such a tiny body.


Guy Fieri is ok in my book. He's a doofus, but he seems affable enough and that goes a long way with me.

Ah, I see. I wasn't quite sure of the terminology. Anyway, I rarely hear active rock on the radio in my city, which is fortunate, but it seems like it gets a lot play still in other cities. We do have a station that plays a lot of the Twenty One Pilots/alt-J type music. I don't really care for it, either, but it's

I don't really listen to "modern rock" radio anymore, but whenever I do catch it, I'm always surprised how much of it is Five Finger Death Punch-type butt rock nonsense. I thought (hoped?) that kind of trash was on the outs like ten years ago.

If Not Now, When? was pretty boring, IIRC. I gave it a shot out of nostalgia, but I couldn't get into it. It's funny you mention the Smokey Mountains, I remember my buddy putting on Light Grenades not long after it came out while we were driving through the Smokey Mountains en route to Myrtle Beach for spring break.

Wow. I can't see anyone other than Ian McKellan as Gandalf, but I don't know how I could live with myself after blowing a chance at $450 million, though I'm sure ol Mr. Connery isn't hurting.

That's good to hear. I saw Incubus twice in their early-2000s heyday, but I never got a chance to see the Deftones.

I had a pair!

It's the least of Will Smith's big blockbuster 90s movies, but it's fine. It's pretty stupid, but it's fun stupid.

Especially Attack of the Clones. It looked like an extra long PS2 cut scene.