The FedEx Pope

Scott Stapp bought all 1000 of those copies.

I always think of Fight Club as having come out in 2001 or something.

I 100%, non-ironically agree with this.

I feel like I say this once a week, but Three Kings rules. 1999 had some bangers for sure.

It was among my first DVD purchases, along with Office Space.

I tried watching it when I was a kid and was bored to tears by it, probably because I also thought I would be getting a Star Wars-type story. I should give it another go as an adult

Which part was Sean Connery up for in LOTR? Elrond? Gandalf?

The way he pronounced Budapest in that weird, half-assed English accent he did for that movie will stay with me forever.

My dad had some Hendrix and Clapton records, but didn't really listen to them much. I never clicked with Clapton, but I loved Hendrix.

The third one is unwatchable. The second one at least had the playground fight scene and the car chase.

There's also the episode of the Simpsons with Guy Incognito.

YES. His accent is just "off" enough to notice, but it sounds natural enough that you wouldn't really think twice about it.

Yep, sequels got too far up their own asses and there was basically no levity in there.

I listened to that when it came out and I liked it very much. There really aren't too many bands who put out music like the Deftones anymore.

I'm not a straight to amp purist by any means, but my setup is pretty minimal at the moment. I have a Dunlop Cry Baby and one of those old, shitty DOD "grunge" distortion pedals that sounds terrible and I rarely use. Otherwise, I'm straight into my amp. I'm in the market for a new distortion/fuzz/overdrive pedal, but

Good for Incubus for still being out there and making albums. I probably won't listen to it, but it's nice that they're still at it. To me, they're in that Deftones group of bands that got lumped in with nu metal that weren't really nu metal and probably deserved better.

There's definitely an Alvin and the Chipmunks quality to the vocals that I don't really care for.

I sort of had the same progression, although I was much more in to Incubus than Linkin Park. They're not a band I'm embarrassed to have liked or anything, I just kinda grew out of of it. I think, at one point, I could play all of the Morning View songs on guitar. I even had my chintzy, all-in-one effects pedal set up

You gotta have NBA Jam on there somewhere.

I liked the singles from Pearl Jam, but the rest of the album kinda seemed like filler.