It's very music-adjacent in the same vein as Twenty One Pilots.
It's very music-adjacent in the same vein as Twenty One Pilots.
Hah, good point. I will say this, Francis Dolarhyde in Manhunter is a much, much more terrifying villain than Buffalo Bill/Jame Gumb. It's interesting to contrast it with Ralph Fienes's Dolarhyde in Red Dragon, which is a much more sympathetic/tragic character. Dolarhyde in Manhunter is just pure menace.
Vin Diesel is like 5'3" and he certainly gives off the impression of an imposing physical presence on-screen.
I have a feeling it won't be, seeing as it came out in 2006.
I watched Manhunter for the first time last week and came away pretty disappointed. Then again, Silence Of the Lambs is one of my favorite movies, so what do I know.
QoS was kinda crippled by the writers' strike, if I recall correctly? Outside of that opening sequence and the plot about stealing water, I don't remember much about it. My friend who I saw it with liked it better than Casino Royale, which I strenuously disagreed with.
I LOVED Enemy At The Gates. That movie really, really resonated with me for some reason.
You could argue that none other than the nefarious fuhrer of the third reich, Adolf Hitler, is the villain of Saving Private Ryan.
I enjoyed the League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but I also saw it when I was 16 or so. It wasn't a good movie, per se, but it wasn't the worst way to spend an hour and a half.
The Dark Knight? We don't get any sort of background or origin story on The Joker, he just sort of appears and starts fucking shit up.
The gold fringe/admirality flag thing is my favorite far-out crank detail. I love it so much.
I saw The Thin Red Line when it first came out on video, meaning I was about 12 at the time and was bored to tears. I should probably give it another shot as an adult.
Rush Hour 2 is good, except for the weird scene with Jeremy Piven playing some sort of outrageous gay stereotype. That hasn't aged well.
That's so much more effective than trying to cram in a ton of bad exposition and backstory about the lead/hero.
And Dawes!
You misspelled Stan Rizzo.
I have no idea what's going on.
There can be only one.
That is pure, uncut Norm. I love referring to things that just happened as "earlier" because of that joke.