The FedEx Pope

The news footage scene scared the hell out of me the first time I saw it.

Yes, Mr JMP, everything stinks.

I remember feeling that way about Signs after the initial reveal of the aliens. The news footage where you just barely saw it walk by worked. Joaquin Phoenix hitting one with a baseball bat didn't work.

I hate the feeling of being lost more than almost anything. Because of that, Blair Witch very much connected with me.

That's absurd. Obviously, he was yankin' his hog because the witch turned out to be a hot babe.

"I'm me?"

The first Paranormal Activity came close, but the jump scare at the end kinda blew that.

"Blair Witch was a documentary, and the events happened in real time."

Ours aren't even a nuisance, really. There are more than enough rats for them to eat, so you don't hear about them attacking dogs much.

I need to listen to the Pearl Jam podcasts. I was, randomly, listening to some Binaural tracks this morning and it made me think I need to dig back in to that era of the band.

I've seen a few coyotes in my neighborhood on the north side. I think there's a coyote den somewhere in Lincoln Park (the actual park, not the neighborhood).

It's really a tough call. My favorite songs on Blood Mountain are better than anything on CtS, but I think I like CtS better as a whole album (but just barely).

I've thought about maybe using two pedals in sequence, but I just don't know enough to make it sound right. I've been playing guitar since I was 9 years old, but never really gave much thought to distortion tone until recently. The distortion on my amp sounds fine, but I would like to branch out. I somehow wound up

I've spent the last week or so going back through their catalog. I've decided that The Hunter is better than its reputation and that I like Crack The Skye a little tiny bit more than Blood Mountian.

I've been doing some research on fuzz/distortion/overdrive pedals for the last month or so and I can't make up my mind. I'm leaning towards the classic and humble Ibanez Tube Screamer, but I might want something that'll give me more crunch (while not sounding like total shit with single coil pickups).

Uhhh, no, Peg.

The last real girlfriend I had before I met my now wife ended it a similar way (except the last part was more implied than spoken out loud). She called me up and was like "so, is this thing over?" and I was like "yep!". It was totally painless.

I haven't been a teen for nearly ten years, so my tastes may be antiquated, but Under Armour's shoes do not do anything at all for me.

Under Armour and Nike is much less egregious than Adidas and Nike.

Under Armour AND Nike? You gotta pick one or the other, pal.