Imagine Dragons is an approximation of music. It's in some sort of weird aural uncanny valley. It's artificial sweetener.
Imagine Dragons is an approximation of music. It's in some sort of weird aural uncanny valley. It's artificial sweetener.
I feel like he's aged really fast in the last few years. Looking back at the promo pictures from The Whole Love, he looks like he's 15 years younger than he is now.
The best song from a band with a whole lot of great songs. I'm seeing them live in about three hours, I hope they play this one!
Whirlyball is awesome. A basketball/lacrosse/jai alai hybrid on bumper cars = hours of fun.
It was long enough ago that Jersey Shore was a current cultural reference. I feel old.
I cannot understand everyone's hate of Liberty Bell. Dennis and Mac as fops! Frank accidentally blowing English Redcoat Cricket's head off!
Man, what a pro.
Wwhy Shrek is piss?
He was in the Pine Barrens with the Russian Paulie and Christopher let get away.
Westeros has plenty of hoors for Frank to bang. This could work.
I wish they embraced the dumbest and most wild ASOIAF fan speculation, not just the lame meme-y ones like Clegane Bowl or whatever. I wanted immortal vampire Roose Bolton.
I see you've played Jeepy-spoony before.
Oh, and also, didn't Obama, you know, win two elections despite all that "socialist" noise?
I think the political climate has changed a whole lot since 2008. Maybe not "elected an avowed socialist" changed, but certainly "elect an all but avowed fascist" changed.
It's Will Ferrell's crowning achievement.
Give me a gritty movie about little Larry Sellers's hard, crime filled life. He didn't learn the lesson of what happens WHEN YOU FUCK A STRANGER IN THE ASS.
Mad Max: Fury Road. Next question.
They hold neither house, nor the legislative branch, and are about to lose the judicial branch. They've bled state legislatures and governors for years. They keep losing. Obama was a once in a lifetime politician who papered over some enormous cracks for them.
If their ideas are so great, how come people aren't voting for them? Your argument doesn't make any sense.
Hillary connected so well with minorities that she lost Michigan and Wisconsin largely due to a lack of voter turnout in the cities. And I would argue it isn't pointless, because if the Democratic party has any hope of regaining any of the power it's pissed away over the last decade, it will be by embracing the…