The FedEx Pope

No way, you clean house in the front office and build around Butler. Get whatever you can for Niko, Lopez, and Taj, and surround Butler with shooters so he has space to drive to the rack. Hoiberg can stay, I guess, but he's on notice.

There's probably reason to fear some insane right wing militia type guys, but the "alt right" are powerless basement-dwelling virgins who aren't gonna do a damn thing except piss and moan on Twitter or Reddit in between their frequent anime JO sessions. They won't do anything worse than post Nazi Pepe memes and try to

The more competent and quiet evil is Mike Pence, so yeah.

I'm surprised it took the Deep State this long to start getting their claws in, to be honest.

10,000 didgeridoos!

The teenager was right to make fun of your socks and sandals. We have some unruly teens here and I live in constant fear of them roasting my shoes.

He's gotten better, for sure. He's not the most wooden of the main cast anymore (that honor would still go to Emilia Clarke).

Hetfield really did look like the cowardly lion back in the Black Album days, though.

St. Anger is basically Poochie: The Album. Lars's tin pan drum sound, the conscious decision to not have solos, all of it. I How did no one realize what a bad idea it was before they released it>

Can't be any worse than whatever accent Aidan Gillen is trying to do.

Absolutely. He's handsome, outwardly courteous and very superficially "king like." He was kind of the polar opposite of prickly, grumpy, yet competent Stannis. Neither really had all it took to be a good king, but then again, Robert didn't either.

Damnit, now I want so see Mongo McMichael play Robert Baratheon.

Mark Schlereth with a terrible English accent.

So I watched season 1 before I read any of the books, and I couldn't understand how an uncharismatic dingus like Renly thought that he had any shot of mounting a legit challenge to the throne. He was just some wimpy goober who decided that it would be good to try to jump over his older brother and his other older

The best I could think of, physically at least, would be a former professional athlete who let themselves go, post-retirement. However, you then run into the whole "acting ability" issue.

That's a good point. All three of the Baratheons were supposed to be tall, strapping guys, with Stannis and Renly slimmer than Robert. I think the biggest problem is that Mark Addy looked too old. He was supposed to be about the same age as Ned, but looked ten years older. It made Renly look more like his son than his

I mean, he's not a string bean, but he's not a particularly burly guy. Harrington may be a bad fit because he's a crappy actor, but I think they could have done a lot worse, looks wise.

I know he's not a major character, but Renly doesn't look anything like his book description. Instead of tall, long haired, and handsome, we got Westeros AJ Soprano.

I don't know, he's described as being dark haired and slim in the books, and Harrington fits that description.

Right. I kind of have a hard time picturing the ethereally beautiful Others of the book, so I guess going with gaunt and ugly works for the show.