The FedEx Pope

Yeah, Tywin was the first thing I thought of this for this article. Sure, Charles Dance isn't bald with bushy blond sideburns, but I can't imagine anyone else in that role. Kurtwood Smith playing Tywin like Red Foreman, calling his kids DUMBASS would be pretty good, though.

Eh, I don't know if Pence is exactly a political mastermind either. He certainly is a smoother operator than Trump, but let's not act like he's Dick Cheney or something.

Steve Bannon looks like what would happen if Philip Seymour Hoffman's body had been pulled out of a lake.

Donny Casino needs to be sent to bed without his dinner.

I Will Click On Literally Any Article About Fury Road, Internet!

Jared Leto in a dark, twisted reboot of the Nutty Professor where all of the Klumps have forehead tattoos.

Batman gets three clones to help him with crime fighting and keeping Wayne Manor clean. Batliplicity: Summer 2018.

"You know, if you stab a man in the dead of winter, steam will rise up from the wounds. Indians believed it was his soul escaping from his body."

I wonder what the alternate universe where Cliff doesn't die and they kick Lars out of the band is like. I wonder if they have an orange game show host president, too.


Hey, I also love Bane. He's legitimately terrifying but also incredibly silly. If Tom Hardy had just done a growly tough guy voice, the character would've been just a one-note bad guy.

For me, the best incarnation of Batman is Batman: The Ride at Six Flags Great America.

To me, it's like being mad at Pearl Jam because of Creed.

I basically became the Loony Tunes wolf, with my eyes bulging out of my head, whistling and banging my fist on the table whenever she was on the screen. I know a lot of people hate Anne Hathaway for whatever reason, but I thought she was great in TKDR.

I love The Dark Knight, but the effusive praise was definitely overboard.

I was a little too young for Burton's Batman movies and thought the Schumacher movies were stupid, so the animated series was absolutely "my Batman." It's the interpretation that I compare all other Batmen to.

That's pretty impressive, given that St. Louis and Chicago don't look alike in the slightest.

It would probably play out a lot closer to the book, so probably.

What's the status of the Victorville Film Archive? Have they been able to rebuild since Tim burned it down with his vape rig?

Ong Bak rules. It's too bad Tony Jaa was never able to cross over into Hollywood films.