My favorite line from dad: “This is the hazard of owning a pool in this area”. YEA DAD. BEARS IN THE POOL IS THE HAZARD. Gotta love dads.
My favorite line from dad: “This is the hazard of owning a pool in this area”. YEA DAD. BEARS IN THE POOL IS THE HAZARD. Gotta love dads.
I’m not a baseball guy - is this a fully legal slide? After seeing the Pablo slide earlier I was curious - does MLB do anything about this?
As an analytics guy I would ask if your stats are adjusted for population distribution.
I grew up in Los Angeles, Vegas, Phoenix, and Berkeley. No I wasn't rich, but compared to what most face I was taken care of. I'm not trying to portray cops as the good guys with my post, if that's how its read.
Yea, I probably could of put that more eloquently. What my dad (who was, by far, the best human being I've ever known) got wrong is that his 10/10/80 perspective was as a white kid who grew up in predominately black neighborhoods (long beach, ca). But he wasn't black.
Ehh, you would miss the mark but he wouldn't be offended.
Probably. My dad hired cops for a time in his life. And tried to integrate the police and fire in southern california city in the 50s and early 60s. But in the end, he couldn't of known some of the reality.
Fucking a. I came in wanting to say "Not for me". And its true. Every cop I've ever met, even when I fucked up as a teenager, was nice (or at least... respectfully assertive).
If you could find the door that says Fuck Off the rest of us would appreciate it.
Ugh... "Kanye West, an artist as complicated, heart-driven, and relevant as Nirvana ever was, is seen in a short clip at the beginning, near the credits, but is not mentioned thereafter."
I feel extremely confident you are being intellectually dishonest. I'm sorry if that's not true, but I actually think you are full of shit.
In comes the MRA train. CHOO CHOO. If I'm being played, then I'm erring on the side not threatening women.
In this enormous comment line where you argue for nobody fucking knows what, I was responding to this:
Hate to break it to you bro but us males have all the rights, all the privilege, and very little of the burden. If you can't deal with the little burden you have, then I don't really know what to tell you.
This is what get's me about awareness snark (Look, I love Jezebel, but this is trash). I didn't see high and mighty Jezebel doing anything either. Look, I know some bros from around the frat house are probably doing this without donating, but the donations to ALS funds are up by a factor of thousands since this…
I lived in Berkeley for a few of my teenage years. I recently went back and seeing the weird vintage cars in surprisingly good condition made me trace back my jalop roots. I realized that I fell in love with the e30 when my friend's father would drive us through the Berkeley hills. So Berkeley: I have you to thank…