I believe it is. The brutality and intensity is completely necessary for the kind of game they’re making. If you’re horrified and bothered by the violence it means they’re doing their jobs right.
I believe it is. The brutality and intensity is completely necessary for the kind of game they’re making. If you’re horrified and bothered by the violence it means they’re doing their jobs right.
I AM surprised that nothing from ARMS has been shown. No character, stage, item, nothing.
Who are you selling to and where is it available? How much does it cost? Where is the plastic coming from? What are the rules? Does the board have a theme? Do you still say “king me?”
You engage in politics when you buy something at the bodega. You do it even more so when you create a commercial product where you play…
Rick & Morty and Community creator Dan Harmon unleashed a Twitter rant for the ages on Sunday, describing the…
A bit of further editorial: Releasing a game is not an apolitical act. Games say things and the things they say often reflect the values of their creators. Intentional or otherwise, conscious or unconscious. Games are released within certain contexts as well; what artists decide to make, says something about their…
That’s a huge reason why I’ve stuck with Destiny/Destiny 2 - no other shooter feels quite as smooth. That’s the only thing that kept me around during content droughts and the frustrating regression from Rise of Iron D1 to launch, and, later, Curse of Osiris Destiny 2.
These fuckers cannot and should not stop until there are saliva trails dangling between people’s lips.
this is honestly the ideal scenario for me
I’m still going to play this game and I’m probably going to have a grand old time fighting Mothman and freako frogs with my pals. I just think this nuke this is a bit weird. Like somewhere along the line, Bethesda forgot Fallout was also a satirical series.
“The first thing I did was jump, expecting it to feel unwieldy like it did in Mass Effect: Andromeda“
We’re only a couple years removed from Fallout 4, ESO has been pretty successful for them, AND they announced 2 new pure-single player games. I think they can have this one. And honestly, it looks pretty fun. Much different vein than Destiny.
It’s nothing like Destiny so no idea what in the world you’re talking about or why you’re going on a rant. Its like you didn’t even attempt to read the article.
All I’m thinking of now is Spike Spiegel with a mop :)
You just need to find that sweet spot between, like, suicidal and actually dead, where most comedians, they thrive there.
Zoning is definitely a legit strategy; oftentimes as Junkrat or Pharah, I’ll try to funnel an offensive push back towards either a choke point or to where my teammates are ready to pick them off.
The much-anticipated rework for Overwatch’s Symmetra is on the game’s test server, and it’s already clear that Overwa…
Women in videogames have no choice, because they’re fictional characters that have as much agency as their writers/creators/the script gives them.
I streamed Heavy Rain on our Twitch channel last year, having a strange fondness for that game. But Madison’s introduction was something I called out in my post-mortem.
David Cage’s Detroit: Become Human wants to talk about difficult questions. The game from Cage’s studio Quantic…
Cowboy Bebop first aired from April 3 to June 26 in 1998, and two decades later, it’s still one of the greats. Compet…