
The first one blew me away when I played it. I figured it would be a quick play, throw away type of game, but that was far from the case. I was sucked in immediately and played it a couple of times. Can’t wait to eventually get a Switch and pick up 2!

No argument here. The strongest isn’t always the smartest or kindest. Trial by combat is definitely an outdated and flawed method for succession.

The title of king/queen in Wakanda is earned. It may be passed down from one generation to the next, but the incoming ruler must always prove themselves in combat (and I think other ways). The ruling nobility has access to more resources than others, so that does skew the training in their children’s favor, but other

The artwork of the Warhammer and 40k books have always been of the utmost quality. Really influenced me when I was young and shifted what kind of aesthetic I enjoyed in art/games/everything.

Damn. I could’ve sworn I used the right one.

I don’t see the resemblance...

All salient points and things to be considered. I can’t say that I am thrilled by the surge of loot boxes in gaming and I am not necessarily trying to defend them. I just think at the moment this is where the industry finds itself.

There are definitely some products which handle loot boxes in a harmful way. These exist and should be shamed about their money-grubbing techniques. My point is that not all loot boxes are a problem. If you have a way during the normal course of play to earn the boxes, they don’t directly impact play, and you have the

Yeah, she only sells common ships and sparrows. For most of the ships that only really affects the paint style and design. The sparrows are a little slower.

These idiots need continual reminders that the first amendment protects you from the government infringing upon your right to free speech, not individual citizens.

Considering that turning in the tokens gave you a lot of gear and a lot of that was better than the potential winning guns, I’m not sure why everyone is so salty.

I understand where you are coming from and I can appreciate the similarities you are trying to draw... but I think there is a false equivalency here.

Clarification: Identifying who I am is not a burden. It informs what my experience has been when growing up and helps people understand where I am from. Knowing who you are and knowing that others who are unlike you have vastly different experiences in the world is not a burden. In fact it is usually freeing to myself

I’m willing to admit that I chose Dead Orbit because of Peter Stormare.

I could continue to explain why you are incorrect in your statements, but I don’t believe you will listen to the evidence and logic I will state. I also don’t believe you are seeing the world for what it is, but that is your cross to bear. Speak to your local poc community and see if they agree with your viewpoint.

I don’t understand how your thinking process goes against the idea that police brutality is a problem. Even if you assume that it is not a widespread issue, it should still be called out any time it happens and whenever it does happen it should be recognized as a problem. Nothing in their or my statement said that all

I still don’t understand how the CPD and others believe someone saying they are against police brutality and racism is a political statement. Wouldn’t that just be a humanitarian statement? Isn’t that just upholding the supposed ideals of America? When are people going to wake up?

The first book was released in 2013, far before BotW was released. It seems like these were meant to be enjoyed together, so adding lore and information from a new game would cause major issues.

You seem to forget that the internet collective can directly impact the reception of a game, even if it is over a year away from being released. If a lot of negative stories and comments build up as a game is developed the developers can lose funding, be pushed to make very costly and delaying changes by the