I’ve got a friend with pretty sever IBS and for some reason I doubt people would see it as empowering or whatever if she was like “I don’t immediately see a restroom, so I’m gonna take a shit in this paper aisle.”
I’ve got a friend with pretty sever IBS and for some reason I doubt people would see it as empowering or whatever if she was like “I don’t immediately see a restroom, so I’m gonna take a shit in this paper aisle.”
If there was a public restroom with no changing table? Wipe down floor and use extra large changing pad from giant not at all stylish diaper bag. If there was no public restroom, then the back seat of the car. Of course, the world was a lot less convenient back then. You should have seen the size of the damned breast…
I took it seriously because you’re responses seemed like you meant it. ::shrug::
So you’re fine using a desk you haven’t paid for to change your baby? This is a bad take.
I would literally stuff that baby back up your vagina if I found you wiping that baby's ass on merchandise.
I have 3 kids. I also had them in a time before changing tables were available in every public restroom. I survived many, many diaper blowouts. I also did not change my kids on the floors of office supply stores. It’s a free country, but don’t expect the rest of us to applaud when you do stuff that is objectively…
This type of mother VASTLY overestimates how enthralling the rest of the world finds her pregnancy/parenting/baby.
It’s truly wild. I have to imagine that the majority of the disabled population - invisible, chronic illness folks included - have a much harder time getting through life than the average pregnant woman. But lord help us if we don’t roll out the red carpet every time they come a-walkin’.
Same here. There was “no bathroom in sight”? Really? You were in Staples, I’m positive there was a public restroom where she could’ve changed a diaper without spreading baby poo everywhere.
Panicked? Without thinking?
Completely agree with Wendy. Are you kidding me? Go ahead and breast feed in public, and I understand there’s not much you can do to comfort a screaming baby. But jesus christ, your baby’s poop germs are NOT my problem. Entitlement at its finest.
Meanwhile the lady in my building undergoing chemo treatments manages to walk from her car to the building just fine!
JOAN! I don’t understand this!! The one time Wendy is right, and you disagree with her? What in the world.
Couldn’t she just have returned to her car? I get panicking but this is gross. Then to post a picture of it!
Yep. Have done some dumb stuff as a new mom that didn’t make sense. But didn’t post photo proof.
I guess the next time someone makes that comparison you could always pour a cup of milk on them and then a cup full of shit and see if they notice any difference.
I feel like if you can take time to Instagram this, you could have looked for a restroom with a changing table.
Breast milk is food and baby shit is the exact opposite of food, so yeah, terrible comparison.
I really hated that people were comparing the diaper change to breast feeding. It is NOT the same! Breastfeeding your baby at the restaurant table - completely normal and fine! Changing their diaper there? Disgusting, rude, and completely unsanitary! Changing the baby on the floor not as big of a deal obviously but…