
Yeah, like if you HAVEN'T READ the entire sandman series, it's totally not that bad.

I just spoke with comcast a couple of days ago. THe rep was nice enough. I was trying to reduce my monthly bill of over 200 dollars. I have two cable boxes and my family watches some cable channels and kids channels. a total of 10 channels are used out of the hundreds that are offered.

And snark is an acceptable form of discourse in the future

my favorite gag in the show is pattycake.

really really really hated civil war. gave up on that whole mess. issue after AFTER ISSUE OF NO FIGHTING. GIVE ME A BREAK. I could have literally dressed my cats up as superheroes and villains and at least had some fighting to look at.

BPRD has had some amazing storylines that blew my mind. highly recommended.

You just can't find decent telephone cleaners anymore.


yes, but is the screen so small you can barely see it?

yes, but is the screen so small you can barely see it?

Is Radiolab that annoying show where they say stuff like PRESENTER: "And then we asked him a question", "So then they asked me a question", "and what we found out surprised us all" "The answer really surprised them". Annoys the shit out of me, unlistenable.

And then we found out that it was raccoon meat all along.

And then we found out that it was raccoon meat all along.

And then we found out that it was raccoon meat all along. In all seriousness, real cannibals are a sick bunch of bastards who usually torture people before eating them (and they use the code word 'LONG PIG' for eating human flesh (usually kids) I'm going to go hug my family now.

stop making excuses for a shitty premium phone that isn't as great as you hoped it would be. all those other guys up there ^^^^

too late

Imagine no religion. People would just think "huh, bacon can stop a nosebleed", and then move on with our lives without wondering if someone somewhere is going to get their feelings hurt. Seriously? yes shoving bacon up your nose isn't Kosher, get over it.

Heh, thanks for following up. If you ever come back and read my reply I'm just glad what I originally wrote made sense! I tend to write when I'm busy at work and not focusing my full attention. Hope you're having a fun time online!

dad checking in here, life sucks. We live for the shining moments amid the drudgery of existence. spending time with your kids pays off in the long run. especially when I look back and think about the times when I chose to get on the floor and play with toys and dollies instead of looking at gizmodo (no offense giz,

this is wicked retarded