
Would actually watch/subscribe to a podcast like this.

Yeah, "Dyslexia" was almost a little too highbrow for Kotaku.

I'm actually surprised that it took this long for a Little Big Penis to hit Kotaku. Would have at least expected this a week ago. For shame.

This one prints money too!!!

That whole twitter thread has exploded. There's entries getting posted every few seconds. It's like a meme supernova.

Maybe the "super ultra" packaging means it comes in a dry-ice packed cooler with hacked-off limbs and chunks of flesh.

Whoa. Wesker.

"I'm good."

lol I just noticed the "Xbow" Live.

"Dyslexia" is the single funniest entry to a Kotaku contest in ages.

Is "maxium" the banhammer equivalent to speed's "going plaid?"

Hey, as we were always taught in Bible school, imitation is the sincerest form flattery.

The Vespa entry was a pre-emptive strike on all our mouths.

I think he's putting a little too much thought into this.

Three songs from TOOL is three TOOL songs too many.

Was a bit shit.

Que teh flame warz.

Dang Kotaku, thanks for the tip. Signed my ass up.

This is very awesome. The whole idea behind good marketing is to make your target audience spend time with your product. If the telescope is part of the "product," and people are interacting with it, then this advert is a rousing success.

Funny that in the previously posted Dead Space interviews, the producer was all like "yeah, we're not gonna worry about international classification right now. We just want to make our game, first."