I don’t think he realized how many of his family members he called fucking idiots, I should have told him.
I don’t think he realized how many of his family members he called fucking idiots, I should have told him.
I’ve thought about this since the women’s march when my brother in law commented on a post with something along the lines of “what the fuck are these idiots even protesting about.” (I don’t think he realized how many of his family members he called fucking idiots, I should have told him.)
I also think that conservatives benefit from their ready-made political/social groups that are churches. How many people get indoctrinated on Sundays or during their Bible study that, as “Christians” (which they purport to be the foremost in their lives), they must vote this way or they are not following God’s will?…
Well, he’s reneged on basically everything that endeared him to “progressive” voters two years ago (funding Indigenous education, cancelling pipelines, changing our messed-up voting system) while throwing young, female cabinet ministers to the wolves, but hey, I’d take him a trillion times over what came before him or…
He is awesome. People (who switched their vote from NDP) are up in arms over the fact that he backed out of a promise to reform our electoral process but I think his reasoning on that was pretty valid. And plus, when he legalizes weed, he’ll returned to a beloved by all status.
So he’s your Obama. Cause it sounds like he’s your Obama.
He is a pretty awesome human being.
And it allows you to reject a whole raft of other things that can be catastrophic/and or put your money in the pockets of charlatans. It’s no coincidence that anti-science leads to anti-vacc and trying to cure cancer through coffee enemas and juicing. It’s no coincidence that my cousin, whose extremely conservative…
I don’t have any numbers on this, but I would bet good money that children born to parents that want them are more likely to become presidents than children who are not wanted, not welcome and born to parents who are unprepared and unwilling to take care of a child. And that you find more killers, rapists, abusers,…
Well to be fair, the 1940's U.S. wasn’t exactly on board with taking all the Jewish refugees after WWII either. So maybe we are making america great just like back then. I mean the allies just sent all the Jews to Palestine and everything worked out perfectly and nothing bad ever happened as a result. The end.
Meh, let them have their marches. Last week I saw lots of online chatter about “why are they covering this stupid women’s march? The MSM NEVER mentions our march!” Well it was on the front pages today, so what are they going to find to complain about next? Everyone who pays attention saw the footage, with the…
I love how everyone just kinda glosses over the dude too, like apparently women reproduce asexually/via parthenogenesis (those sluts!). “She shouldn’t have gotten (herself) pregnant” is the worst. Men will still want and demand sex, but let’s remove all access to contrqception and safe abortions! Because that makes…
I have an in-law who came extremely close to dying recently, and would have died if not for the help of amazing doctors, cutting-edge medical care...and Obamacare, because his previous insurance plan had caps and he couldn’t have afforded the necessary prescriptions and follow-up care.
All intellectualism is liberal now. Don’t bother these people with your elitist facts or historical evidence, you dirty liberal.
Science became liberal as soon as conservatism became anti-science, which is tightly connected to the rise of the Religious Right in the 1970s.
I’ve alwats hated the “what if you just aborted the next Mozart, or curer of cancer or blah blah...”
What about the next President? She could have becomethat, but as she was unable to obtain an abortion she had to drop out of college. It’s always about the potential of the fetus, never the person carrying it. But then,…
Also, fuck anyone who only brings up Black Lives Matter when it comes to a fetus. A bunch of shallow shitbags.
“the right to life must take precedence over personal autonomy.”
A white child held up a sign that read, “More black babies are aborted than born! #BlackLivesMatter.” (That statistic was true only for New York City in 2012 and 2013.)
“We need to rein in science. We need to stop these liberals that think that anything is OK,” he wrote in an email.”