
Did you interview the doctors to see if he was really hypothermic and suffered muscle damage? Is this a Charles Johnson type of investigative story? Did you check Google Earth to see if you could find him in the ocean?

Never crossed my mind. You?

This is one of them..

He married a lesbian? Isn't that an oxymoron?

The only part I found hard to watch was the two of them kissing.

It's been ages since I've seen a Geocities website!

He's still out there. He's one of the best.

Same guy who (re) outed Bill Cosby.

Do not doubt White Drunk Santa!!

How could he cancel someone elses flight?

Just a flesh wound.

Your act is getting old very quickly.

how about a hullabaloo?

Digging the Ram-Cam.

They were on the sidelines and it was 30 seconds after they scored. Give it a rest.

Hasn't Tony Stewart done the exact same thing? Maybe the kid was trying to emulate his idol? Everyone give Tony Stewart a free pass. He's done the EXACT same thing.

What about "Thou shall not go swimming after eating, unless thou waits 30 minutes". Is that not a commandment?

How high is high?

He's just been sacked.