I hope he got that scar when he found a stranger in the Alps!
I hope he got that scar when he found a stranger in the Alps!
Is that you, Kirk?
My favorite quote from the Simpsons! You bet against the Globetrotters?!
C'mon boys! 6 more goals and we're right back in it!!
Yeah, that's the problem!
What if she had been a hot, white woman?
I'll round up my Krishna friends to discuss.
Someone's getting shot.
I should have said that it was his catchers mask, not helmet.
I've seen this called once in my whole life of watching baseball. A catcher dropped a pitch and it rolled a few feet away. There weren't any runners on base and it wasn't strike 3, so nobody was going anywhere. He took off his helmet and leaned over and using his helmet he tapped the ball back to himself. I think the…
What the fuck kind of name is Fields Chapman?
How much do these little buggers go for??
This is what kids think about relationships. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=47…
I'm sure this has been asked before, but why was she recording him?
Sean Hannity will invite him to Fox News any day now.
I always thought that vaseline was applied to make one side of the ball heavier, which would make it dance.