Oh I completely get what you are saying. Private stuff should be private. I was more focused on the quality and intent of the comment.
Oh I completely get what you are saying. Private stuff should be private. I was more focused on the quality and intent of the comment.
I think Russell Brand said something comparable about his marriage to Katy Perry, and people rightfully called him an asshole for it. One example.
Shes not saying the sex was bad. Shes saying they werent having sex. Subtle difference, but pretty important, as the implication was that the relationship was rocky and thus they werent having sex, not that he sucked in bed.
I think she is pretty, but not one of the most beautiful people on earth. I don't understand all the hype over her looks. She's generic pretty to me.
My god can GAGS getting more desperate and pathetic...........train wreck
I have no idea who half of these people are, such as Rachelle Lefevre and Adam Pally. Am I an old or are these just US magazine pseudo-celebrities?
I'm sorry, but that's fucking hilarious. "Oh, I watched your kid throw the remote in the pond."
The worst thing my babysitter ever did was tell me she and her best friend were the girlfriends of Sean and David Cassidy. Yep, I believed it.
Cody Oakes, 25, an operations manager for J.P. Morgan, had been ready to walk out the door with a duffel bag in his hand to go to football practice. (He plays quarterback and wide receiver for the Bellingham Bulldogs, a semi-pro team.) He'd noticed heavily armed police in camouflage marching down the road.
Look here, little fella. When you comment on the way other people look you had better be goddamn well prepared to take some heat yourself. We don't owe it to him or to you to be nice to shitty people.
I, for one, would like to see his impressive fedora collection.
For someone who doesn't want kids, she's going into a situation where she's going to have to deal with a bunch of them. And their mothers.... Women who don't want children probably shouldn't marry men who do. And vice versa.
Hah! I do my best to reinforce that he's a perfectly acceptable weight and he has no reason to worry. (He really is cute as a button.) Then he'll pinch the tiny love handles that he develops every time he's about to go into a growth spurt (ever since he was 4 he'd get a little poof at his hips and then shoot up), and…
I'm sorry, I should have mentioned, I wasn't directing it generally at you, but because so many of the responses were in that vein, it was easier to respond to the initial post. You are correct in that you did nothing wrong! I apologize if it seemed that I was attacking you.
Or maybe Mohr should put his stones down while he's sitting in his glass house.
I think she took the middle road: seems gracious, reminds people that a married man and father of two is commenting on a new mother's figure, and having them question the effects of that type of judgement on his own wife's self-esteem. I applaud her.
That's a choking hazard. I always cut my diamond rings in half before giving them to my babies.
James Avery showed up halfway through the performance, hoisted Jazzy Jeff up by the seat of his pants, and hurled him offstage.