
My thoughts on her car: the suspension sucks, it’s noisy”

I had a similar thought - $199

I suggested a $38 plane ticket as the answer here and was called a buzzkill. If it has to be terrestrial speed, a Shinkansen ticket. If it has to be under your own control, then it’s gotta be the Busa

I don’t think anyone that can drop $150k on a car is going to be swayed by a 10% discount. They’re knowingly losing 2-3x that when they drive them off the lot anyway!

They keep saying EQS is an EV S-class, but it’s just not. Doesn’t look like an S-class, doesn’t ride like an S-class and doesn’t have the same presence as an S-class. Should’ve done what BMW did and made given ICE and EV S-class that looks identical. 

It’s not just the exterior. The dash looks like it’s trying to compensate for something and just ends up looking ridiculous, and the steering wheel looks like it has about 500 buttons on it.

Not good enough. I just saw a year old EQS 580 SUV, loaded, 5k miles, for $60k something.  Why settle for 12% off when you can get 50%+ off a year old model.

6-11% off MSRP is not anything substantial to write home about. That’s like a $3000-6000 rebate on a $50,000 car.  Or $1500-3000 on a $25,000 car. 

I dont even know who its going to win over at all? If you can afford this range in the first place, that 15k is a blip.

The things just do not look good. They aren’t offensive, but when you stand next to a Lucid and a Taycan, why would you choose an EQS? Then you have Tesla which the Model S still looks good, is cheaper, and faster, with a better charging network. EVs have levelled the playing field to where these companies need to be

[Mercedes-Benz dealership, interior, phone in Sales department rings.]

My wallet tells me it’s going to take more than dropping the price of a $150,000 car to a mere 135 grand to win me over.

Haha, I’ve done that one before, too!


All you need is a VIN to join PCA!

It’s Blurple.

Capacity and market access were my thoughts when this was first announced - at least in the North American context. Nissan has a few US plants, probably underutilized. Not sure what Hondas capacity is, and how much is tapped out. Nissan sells well in Mexico. Uncertain tariff situation. Nissan should just die

I had a midnight purple 2018 M4 Competition Convertible with white leather, every carbon bit and the Akropovic sports exhaust with carbon tips, it was rad, swapped it for a 992 Targa 4, No regrets. Also had a techno violet 318ti about 22 years ago, I love a purple car.

Yep... not enough things are purple these days.

Don’t forget the classics. How about an early 70s MGB in Aconite purple.

If it’s on this, then by all means, yes!