Along with art/photos, don’t underestimate the importance of color, shapes and texture in making a room feel lively and homey.
Along with art/photos, don’t underestimate the importance of color, shapes and texture in making a room feel lively and homey.
Jill Ellis must be absolutely thrilled with how she went from a near-pariah to a genius in the span of this tournament. But however it happened, bravo.
“Perfect grilled hot dog” article recommends “cheap garbage hot dogs” and match-light charcoal while emphasizing that this all “should be done the right way.”
Great interview and mad props to this guy for dropping some common sense on why women can serve just as capably, if not better than, men in many military roles. “Welcome to the 21st century, assholes” indeed.
I know it’s dickish to try and be the first one to board your zone but my reasoning is
It genuinely warms the cockles of my heart to see so many American fans packed into a (small) stadium to root on a below-average MLS team. Soccer’s going places in the U.S.
I never separate my laundry, by color or otherwise. What kind of terrible shit is this doing to my clothing?
Counterpoint: Making every answer on a multiple-choice test the same letter is the passive-aggressive, non-verbal equivalent of leaning over and yelling “You sure you’re right? You sure? I think you might be wrong!” to someone who answered a question correctly.
Mom’s brain. I’m no dummy. Who’s picking the other option?
Homosocial douchebags? I wouldn’t project so much... Hanging out in the woods with your friends amid treehouses, hot tubs, and a little skate park, on the other hand: Yeah, that sounds pretty fun.
Can we drop the (usually justifed) “we hate white bros” thing for a second and just agree that this sounds like a really fun place to spend a weekend?
Everyone else said what I wanted to say, except...
Good god, man — you saw “bacon ranch, chipotle or Mango BBQ” and you went with the fruity stuff? You masochist.
Great excuse to read Gawker on the toilet during work, though. #teammultipleshits
I think you missed his sarcasm.
I am completely baffled how a handy how-to about getting common recreational drugs past TSA led to an all-out warcry of people upset over oppression structures and privilege.
Not sure how in the world you think that getting a small amount of drugs for personal use past TSA constitutes “a problem already.” A problem to who, exactly?
Many good points about Swift and her relationship with feminism, but who exactly is calling the “Bad Blood” video a feminist manifesto? It’s just a cool/silly cameo orgy, unless I missed something.
But... some of your recipes...
The fact that Harris testified she took “half a pill” of ecstasy at a nightclub before the 2010 incident is going to be what Floyd’s lawyers pick at, probably. “Technically she is a drug user, your honor.”