
Are you sure? I figure Ramsey would try to jam his finger in Jon's butt, Gatins style, at the very least.

I continue to assert that Ramsey will not die in the Battle (which Jon wins) but will be captured….because honor or some shit. Final episode, Sansa takes matters into her own hands and feeds Ramsey to his dogs (or has Ghost maul him - either way, I'm cool with)

It's not good…it's AWESOME!

Paul Downs went to Duke! That's like a 110% chance he's a straight white male

I see this a lot: "The trial would make him illegitimate". Why is everyone so sure?

Hahaha…please don't give them any ideas…

Right? Like, best case, they lose but Jon and/or Sansa escape? What then? Back to Castle Black? Try again? Go to Mereen?

Which is like the worst intern program ever. "You're both unfit for this job, but…tell, you what. Whoever kills the other is hired"

Absolutely - she was training to do the will of the MFG, a task which, I'm sure, doesn't involve rattling around a temple in Braavos.

I will also accept: Sansa sneaks away with Ghost, lets the direwolf into Ramsey's cell, and watches the carnage.

Paul Downs. He wrote the first two or three episodes with his partner Lucia Aniello (who directs most of the episodes).

An End Frame Box? "That Jack Barker is one heck of a visionary, we could use someone like him at Hooli!"

Drogo was killed by Mirri Maz Duur; he didn't die from an untreated wound. The witch put a poultice on the wound right after dude cut him with his arakh and it became worse instead of getting better. She even tells Dany that she caused it and did it because the Dothraki raped her and burnt down her temple.

Other kings, historically, with Tommen's "weakness" - being led by the nobles and churchmen surrounding him - turned out to be capable rulers. A psychopath like Joffrey was bound to make the wrong enemy in the nobility (which he eventually did). Don't think, however, Tommen's going to get the chance to be Edward III

And the red priestess pretty much called him out for not truly being on Dany's side.

Eh, I'm not disappointed we didn't see the fight. An all black screen with noises doesn't make for the greatest TV - and you add any kind of light it ruins the effect.

That kinda sums up my feelings of the show as a whole.

No way Jon is losing that battle. None. Zero. "Plot armor" and all that gets thrown around here liberally, but if there is any actual person/event that truly deserves the phrase, it's Jon Snow and the Battle of the Bastards. There may be complications, and it may not go down the way anyone sees, but Jon is taking

Look on the bright side: It was only two seasons worth of scenes for people watching the show; for folk reading the books it's thousands of pages and 16+ years (and counting).

If you can't indulge in suspension of disbelief, that's fine, but that doesn't make those of us who have no problem with it in a show full of dragons, ice zombies, and resurrections idiots. Rather it makes sound like the kind of pompous pendant who's real fun at parties.