
Well, if you get stabbed multiple times by your brothers and bleed out, you die right then and there, you don't come back to life (and look just like you did before you died except a couple of scars).

But Jon (and Beric) died on-screen, so….that doesn't really cut it any more than an off-screen death. Or you could just take what the show is telling you, in that Jon's resurrection is unique, so don't expect everyone who dies to be raised.

I still say we have Jon's dumb "Stark honor" demand he take Ramsey prisoner (because, no way is he losing this battle), and while the victors drink the night away, Sansa frog marches Ramsey into the dog kennel and watches his dogs maul him to death.

I'm guessing it's one of those not really important at the time story lines, the sort of diversion an adaptation would normally cut, except that it sets some important plot point in motion.

Yeah, I don't think the trial by combat is going to happen. Too easy. I see Tommen via the HS shutting his mother down.

I think it's totally possible. He overplays his hand with Sansa and the Vale. Ser Robyn is matched with a soon to be widowed Sansa. She tells Robyn that LF needs to be "pushed out the moon door" and there are people (Ser Royce) who would gladly do it. That way Sansa takes care of both LF and Ramsey, marries a

I think it's more likely his brother comes to him. Jamie is in the Riverlands; the Hound is in the Riverlands; and Cersei always travels with Gregor. If she flees Kings Landings, she'll find Jamie, and by extension, Gregor will find the Hound.

I'm not sure that there will be a trial by combat - can't the Sparrow or Tommen deny it? I'd have to watch how it worked for Tyrion, but I recall some dialogue about how it could be turned down

And at some point, book readers know Kevan's future, so the show will have to match.

Jon wins the battle but is a fucking Stark, so just captures and imprisons Ramsey. While the men are celebrating in the Hall of Winterfell, Sansa slips out and feeds him to his dogs. And watches the whole thing with the icy Sansa stare.

She'll go find Jamie.

I'll agree with that - and for everyone that wants to shit on the show for it (not saying you are mind you), it's largely the aspects of GRRM's story that make is so anti-climatic. We know Cersei is bad, we know she gets her comeuppance because it was prophesied, and we know whoever is king means jack all once the

I'll guess that at the end of the season the Kings Landing plot has an expecting Margaery as Queen, the High Sparrow as head of the Small Council and Cersei as the only Lannister left.

The Swiss used a similar weapon (with a hammer on the other side of the pick) that was very effective in puncturing armor (and dismounting), which, the assumptions of Orson Welles' monologues aside, made the Swiss some of the most feared combatants and sought after mercenaries in Medieval Europe

Her arc is not going to end well, that's for sure.

Yeah, me too. I'm pretty sure at this point that Ser Strong is going to be the ultimate cause of her downfall.

Right, I meant it in a leadership sense - someone to give orders like "Take what food we need, but let's not kill them all and hang their leader"

Now, if only we had some sort of powerful religious figure who could make the call to take up the 7-pointed star….hmmm…

It's Lancel, but yeah, and that'll be real popular with Kevan. Yet another potential ally spurned by Cersei's stupidity.

"even the Mountain isn't going to chop through good armor with a sword"