
This is 1 that never really clicked with me. I see the potential but past a first playthrough have never really given it much after thought, its just sat on the shelf. I definitely think it will strike a chord with many folks though, it is well built, well designed and well thought out to it’s credit.

This is 1 that never really clicked with me. I see the potential but past a first playthrough have never really

The Jets are 1 of the 2 worst defenses in the NFL? I thought that case was looking fairly settled now. Worst offenses sure, defense? Really?

I continually wonder how Roberson has a job.

With the NFL each team gets its own extensive long why your team sucks article. With the NHL just 1 covering all teams. Hockey.

The system clock being added to the quick menu is the only feature I care about. I know its silly but while gaming I often use the ps4 to tell me what time it is rather than pull out my phone and I’ve been hoping they would add the time to this menu! We’ll see if they fixed the UI lag on the pro too which sucks when a

Even though I’m not a car game nut Forza is the 1 franchise I’m jealous that Xbox owners have. Sony has really dropped the ball on this genre. I’ve looked at project cars 2 but the general consensus is its driving wheel or bust. Hopefully GT Sport reclaims some of the lost glory though Forza sets a high mark everytime

I’m curious what it’ll look like vs the ps pro version. Its pretty obvious at any resolution on ps4 and the pro there is no anti-aliasing which is why it is 1 of the most improved games when playing on a pro in 4k. Hopefully if they add something like HDR they’ll turn around and add it to the pro.

Sweet just bought 2, we’ve had a couple in place we got from Walmart over 3 years ago so I am sure this will be an improvement. If not the 2nd will be a dirty Santa gift!

Sweet just bought 2, we’ve had a couple in place we got from Walmart over 3 years ago so I am sure this will be an

The lack of a grind is precisely why I’ve told my friends I’ve quit playing. It was such low effort to get to power level 270 I just had no drive to continue from there. I get it, despite being 31 with a full time job and family I probably game more than most gamers and especially those my age (it helps a shit ton

Basically privacy. At the end of the day they are still just employees and have rights as well as the rest of us when it comes to their employment. I do think there should be severe repercussions for them not turning it on when they should. The best way to train an employee to do something consistently is to make them

I’m totally amazed folks are still playing this at all. The concept is amazing but the mechanics at play are so lame I was tired of this game within 2 weeks of launch and we went all in hitting the park almost everyday but what you get the moment you launch the app for the first time is all this game has to offer. I’m

Its not an online game in the sense you are thinking. This game requires you to physically be at real locations and to move around to catch Pokemon. You can catch a small amount from say your house but nothing substantial. It makes more sense why people would travel after you know the mechanics of the game. It is

Your perception of who a gamer is nowadays is so far off base its not even funny. Sure there are plenty of mom’s basement nerds around but gaming is so mainstream compared to 20 years ago that you get people from all walks of life.

Its a pretty damn big deal that the Witcher is on this list!!

The stars tell the real story here.

Yea but that’s the only reason anyone watches women’s volleyball.

I broke and bought the tv. Haven’t seen anything not at least double the price that offers HDR compatible with the pro and honestly for 49" even in 2-3 years I doubt you will still find many and supposedly this tv while not being the best display has in general nothing but fairly high marks. At least with the shipping

I broke and bought the tv. Haven’t seen anything not at least double the price that offers HDR compatible with the

Its the same as a coffee habit. The goal is identical.

There are a few groups that have built DDoS services they sell and do stuff like this as proof that their service works. There’s a myriad of reasons why anyone would in turn pay for this service to target a site. I equate it to the same type of mentality as people who will team kill in a game. Some people just want to

Though I haven’t played overwatch this season because I finally got fed up with the toxicity and found playing with these people I would often end my overwatch angry rather than feeling like I’d had fun which is why I play videogames, I always go to bat against these ass-hats. It is actually why I would wear a mic.