Napoleon Bonerfarte

If you like the gameplay of setsuna ; do yourself a favor and play CT. Though the soundtrack to Setsuna is good CT is way better.

I’m perpetually in the greys from not commenting enough /being terrible at commenting. But, (and I realize that you’re probably not the right person to ask. I just brought it up because you’re a wrestling fan.) WHY HASN’T DEADSPIN EVEN TOUCHED ON THE FINAL DELETION!?!?

That hadn't even crossed my mind. I wonder if you'll be able to see the orange glow of the crater from space.

How long until some Union President threatens to pull the security from each of these guys respective games?

Read this on Medium last night. Such a good article.

Scratch that. I vaguely remember having the opportunity to ask player from the Timberwolves a question at my local middle school back in '89. Who the player was or what my question was; I have no idea.

Twins in '91.

I really wish I could afford a gaming PC, so I could finish this game.

Closed beta invites are going out today, apparently. So, hopefully we'll get them next week.


No cleaning out the grease trap in the meat department of your local grocery store? Fail.

Not as many as DK. It looks like he has at least three.

Bukkake Kong? Or Donkey Bukkake?

Will WYTS continue?

*Diddy Kong laughing maniacally on his go kart in his way to Kandy Kong’s place*

I do miss the DKCGI cartoon. That show had a lot of potential.

It looks like he had to rush to a toilet and he made it just on time, so he didn't shit his pants that he doesn't wear.

DK looks like he's jerking two dicks off on his own face. I thought Nintendo was a family company. SMDH.

Warching this live stream really makes me regret getting rid of my Wii U.

IGN had something about it a few days ago too.