Fearless Fosdick

R.I.P. Midnight Rider.
They definitely ain't gonna catch you now.

Sons of the soil.

But are they streets ahead (of the curve)?

"I crossed the data stream with a utensil, Ray!"

I highly recommend the Twitter account,
"The Internet Of Sh*t".

Bet he didn't even have an iron fist!

They could've gotten James May on board if they'd renamed it the Dacia Juicero.


You know, mortality IS an inconvenience.

Mmm… hungry for Cressps now…

They were having the time of their lives.

The Nine Circles of Hell !!!

Just to screw with your head, I'm guessing.

I think it was a puppet show.

God, who the hell opened the door and let The_Donald in?

Nixon's head, Bob Dole's Viagra bottle and Cyborg G. Gordon Liddy didn't make the cut.

Not remotely true.
But good.

They said The_Donald was getting kicked out of Reddit.
Damn, I think they ended up here…

It was the B-side.