Fearless Fosdick

The inevitable Stride Mother mutation.

Will they at least spring for the "Bring out your dead!" guy afterwards?

Woo boy, death panels?
You ain't seen nothin' yet!

♫ It's so easy to do,
Dare to cum yourself stupid! ♫

Of Forth?

Apparently Alex Jones & Breitbart will tell you everything you need to know…

B. Pitty it is then.

Don't worry, Kenny.
The Sax God has never tried to contact you.
And he never will.

Ha! You were supposed to be watching o'er them!

What's this about Rampart now?

Don't forget Numberwang!

Can I also have a Legion of Super-Heroes show as well made as Legion?

It's the children who are wrong.

I quickly read your post as "there won't be any more music in under 50 years".
Maybe that's for the best.

I'm sure he feels he doesn't have to.

I got a "Redneck gets a dislocated jaw from a Mafia goon" notification for this?

♫ Cyrus is just a virus
He wants to tie you down while you're still young
Your potential is what's essential
You could someday be another Connie Chung! ♫

The final straw was when they landed in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle.