Fearless Fosdick

Das wagenfone est eine nuisancefone!

Commissioner! The Manimal signal!

Octomom's in it too?

Okay, it's been 7 hours…

Cookie Cat!

I think he was asking about fiction.

I'll take it as rebelling against Roman numerals in reprisal for the salting of Carthage.


He's almost old enough to read Neuromancer and to watch Hackers, then he's good to go.

Add one I.

I was very glad that Colbert stayed, but I also wish they'd been able to work it out with Brian Unger. He had a wicked sense of humor, and maybe they might have been able to merge that with what Stewart wanted to do.

Quick! Hide the clum babies!

Paul Simon's "50 Ways To Hide Your Bald Spot".

Well, the movies already have Robin Sparkles…

If only I'd gone with my Stride Mother idea for Halloween…

Will, please add "Nick Nolte, Part 2" to your RR list. ☺

Maybe he was one of those northern Italians with a lot of Austrian in them.

I'll still upset about his fate in Rich Man, Poor Man. Damn you, Falconetti!

The guy's 75 years old, if he thinks of parents, he automatically thinks of a mother and a father. Give it a rest.

Quiet, Dink!