Fearless Fosdick

Well, the original timeframe for Phil Connors' redemption was something like 10,000 years. For Trump, we've got to be talking about the life of the universe.

With any luck, the computer would get Trump stuck on tic-tac-toe, and he'd never make it as far as Global Thermonuclear War.

Just wait until he grows up, and suspensors are invented.

I don't think I ever saw his standup, but he was funny on an early episode of Space Ghost: Coast To Coast.

She's still upset from that time you helped her defuse that bomb.

"Ma, It's not Al. If I bring Capone or Jolson, then it's Al."

Group 87, Isham's early-80's project with Patrick O'Hearn, put out a couple of nice albums too.

But Project Arcturus couldn't have succeeded without him!

Hank's pants pocket lint made it extra good.

Vile weed!

There's your answer, fishbulb.

I really wanted the lyrics to this (Thanks LastMariachi!), downloaded
some subtitles for it, and all it said was "(Woman Singing)".
Gee, thanks, guys.

As well you should.

C'mon gang, everyone knows it's Phil Knight.

But he took ownership right before they won their first 2 Super Bowls! That's amazing!

I went to war for the Social Justice Society.

Ha ha, you said words!

I never knew I needed to see Puddy's Diet Plan or Puddy's Karaoke Bar until now.

Can't wait until George Lucas directs Ocean's 1-7.

If Rosario Dawson ever does a reverse Caitlyn Jenner, she'll he'll be known as Rosado Floyd.