Fearless Fosdick

Oh, go burn some Catholics!

Ah! Delexicofenestration!

The world celebrated when Zack Snyder was denied custody.

Don't let the dolphin see the big board!

I'll take the case!

I heard some kid playing Pokemon Go found Nosal's body…

Could I have a cheeseboard with that wineboard?

You can do that?

Could you shoot me your torrent site password?

Ha! I just read your comment on my friend's AV Club account!

Hulu's OK though, right?

You take care of Short Cuts, I'll take care of blank!

Force Murderjeure.

Is Wyoming Teen the estranged son of Florida Man?

That just raises further questions!

Liar! You just used an article in your last sentence!

Obtain planning permission for.

I don't want to oversell it, but it's better than ten Super Bowls!

Is that "Whatsamatta you?" in Turkish?

Not as dense as a shield made of compressed human brain molecules!