Fearless Fosdick

Now there was a band. Yippers, back in the summer of '91, we all thought they was going to be the future of rock and roll.

It was terrible, and much more mean-spirited than the rest of the film. They really could have just left it at the earlier skit (where he watches the movie review of his life).
I keep meaning to make an edited version from my DVD with the roast cut out.
What's bizarre is that there was an edited-for-TV version that

I dunno… Coast Guard?

Eat more nuts!

Added plot twist: Attwell is also a succubus and Elba keeps asking her for tree fiddy.

You are not of the Body.

Double upvote (if I could) for the Jerry theory and the ever-decreasing wait to payoff ratio of Venture Bros.

Sounds like a bit of a sticky wicket, me old mucker.

Ridiculous! That's 4 more episodes of Family Guy they could be showing!

It was one of the all-time great trashy novels. The mini-series was so tame in comparison (on ABC I think). They could do a really good no-holds-barred version today.

Ebert's review of Detour is a thing of beauty:

I believe Bob Sassone's job before this was with MST3K the time they covered Space Mutiny and forgot to include a single reference to Battlestar Galactica.

I keep telling you, he's 69 years old and he's dead!

Directed by Vince Gilligan.

Just what a stinking Silverite deserves.

Why don't they just tape a bunch of cats together?

Almost. They then have to earn the power of Self-Respect.