
It kind of bugs me how long it took the crown to even notice what was going down. I know Cersei and Jaime have been busy but surely the small council would have been paying attention

Geography is so convenient on tv, wouldn't it take months to travel from King's Landing, especially in the snow?

The show has no idea what to do with LF. In the books he's the chessmaster and has every move carefully thought out. In the show he mostly flies by the seat of his pants, does really stupid things that make no sense strategically and often succeeds based on pure dumb luck and there's no consequences for what he's done

I vote for Sansa!

I think the writers are going to run into a problem since that's just all that Ramsey does. Like he can't figure out how to solve problems any other way.

Go party in Dorne with the Sand Snakes and join the Pissed Off Bastard contingent. Maybe the heat would help him style his curls.

Which is why they should have gone with jane's plan.

I bet he totally predicted that Kimmy and DJ would dance together and be mistaken for lesbians and it would be kind of hot.

I'm someone who believes in low key first birthdays. I'm on a message board where I am clearly in the minority, most mothers want to have crazy over the top, Pintrest inspired type first birthdays. I guess Jane's in the latter category as well? I do agree the timing was really dumb and I don't even remember why they

Yeah that sounds like something they'd do.

I can understand why she'd be angry after having been so helpful and kind to both sisters, only be betrayed and fired from her job because of Anezka's misplaced loyalty (or because it was part of some deeper game she's playing, who knows). And it's well established she's desperate for money and losing her job is a

Yeah the books are a bit vague on how much the characters have aged over the series but the show has had to deal with the actors aging.

Micheal must live so he can enjoy / endure many many awkward man dates with Rogelio.

I had such high hopes during the episode where Peta taught Jane how to be the bigger bitch and then insulted her in Czechoslovakian during her labor.

I'm talking about what makes sense for the character's motivation, not how a character would react if the shoe was on the other foot. In any case Jane's judgmental tendencis are balanced by her loyalty and forgivenes.

She did date the father of one her students (I think he was a former soccer player) but she chose Rogelio over him.

I think it's just part of Rogelio's narcissism that he can't figure out how this grand gesture to Jane was ill timed to share it in front of Petra.

Maybe he takes after his grandpa and is an actor!

I think it makes sense for her to be angry. She badly needs this job. Also she's forgiven Petra for a lot of bad behavior and lies before and it made sense that she is (at least for the time being) done dealing with her.

It's pretty telling that the show jettisoned both Ariane Martell and Aegon, I guess that plot won't go anywhere important?