
It's not like the Wilidlings don't actually rape and steal and kill people. Sure most of the Night's Watch are criminals too but at least they can believe they are noble criminals protecting the realm from the chaotic neutral bad guys.

Yup the wilidlings are a nice convenient scapegoat

Didn't Qaithe tell her to go to Asshai?

I really hated that joke. I get that Aisha was put on friends to shut up the critics but also Aisha Tyler is a fucking badass and deserves better than being the butt of anyone's dumb joke

Jane's always admitted that's she judgey and it can get the best of her. This seemed to be a good episode for her tor realize her actions have consequences.

I think it's realistic that Rafael knew if he was in a childcare bind he would be better off asking Jane than asking the baby nannies and risking Jane's wrath.

In my experience in creative writing programs, nearly all genre writing was devalued. And I think Jane was on adviser number 3 (the working mom professor who didn't give good feedback was number one)

Yes evil twin time is coming soon. I half-expected them to rush into that plot tonight

I thought the reason they killed them off was because they hate minorities

Has it?

Good prediction! We've got the secret long lost sister, kidnapping and so amnesia seems like the next thing.

I'm convinced that Jane and Micheal's wedding will not happen but I figured it would have been because he has to go off and chase Mutter in Switzerland. I don't think they could actually kill him off! I mean this is still the CW, it runs on the digital blood spilled in shipper wars.

He was a very bad stripper for a variety of reasons.

There are definitely parallels. But Lorelai had her act together way more than Xo. And Jane is way less spoiled/entitled than Rory.

I wonder if they were trying to show the limits of the Bechdel test since the show frequently fails the test but it succeeds in being a show with fully realized, nuanced and interesting female characters.

Disappointed that Rafe wasn't doing skin to skin with his twin girls. Always love it when the narrator needs a beefcake shot of Rafe doing skin to sin with Mateo. I always melt when that happened.

Although I liked the idea of exploring class conflict vis a vis parenting choices (and judigness about parenting choices is total landmine) it required the show to have some temporary amnesia about the characters and their motivation Petra wanting the top end baby products ignores how she used to brag about getting a

It's a little weird (and in fact Rose's motivations to kidnap Mateo were mostly to get at Micheal) but I kind of like how it runs parallel to Jane's life.

agreed. I think Jake generally isn't too egotistical about that sort of thing. I suppose he'd be annoyed about not getting to sit next to Amy but then they had zero interactions this week.

It was nice to see the show get into the warts and all realities of being a new mom (adult diapers, milk leakage, etc) after glossing over Jane's pregnancy last season (seriously did she ever have morning sickness? or cankles? or anything?)