
Mental health services in our country is a joke.

Omg omg omg.

Don't worry she will get her flashback episode in season 7

My favorite is Scary Terry who just wants to go to the farmer's market

anyone noticed the continuity of Poussey loving cooking shows? I think there was an episode in maybe in season one where she's excitingly recapping Ina Garten making some sort of cake to Taystee.

I was kind of amazed how much I liked Pennsatucky. and I was sort of touched that she actually was going to tell the evangelicals not to get her money but rooting for her to keep fleecing the assholes

I've wondered about that as well. (Plus it would be easy to write him out of the show as a main character and into a guest actor) But if he gets a different job cue the Daya whine fest about how she never gets to see him except on weekends

Agreed. Flashbacks work when they give you insight into a character's past. With Bennett, not so much

Ugh thank you for that. I can't stand how she wanted Bennett to fess up even after it was pointed out that he'd probably lose his job and potentially go to jail.

I think the main reason she cares about Daya is that they're stuck in prison together and she's watching her kid make one bad decision after another.

I was a little surprised that Boo has read Freakonomics because that seems a bit out of character.

I'm betting we get Big Boo flashbacks this season and it's honestly about time! She has been such an interesting break out character. I also never thought I'd actually feel invested in Doggett but I like her weird friendship with Boo.

Same here. Seemed uncharacteristic for Sophia to be so sexist. But I chalk that up to her having trouble relating to her son.

I've gotten the same impression I think she took the fall to protect her family since it was her title punch that got them in trouble in the first place.

it wasn't really her idea to get involved it was her husband's. But she was the one who got them in trouble when she punced the mafia wife's boobs and damaged her boob job so they were stuck doing favors for the mob to pay off their debt.

I'd say that the old Red would seek revenge and the new one would not. Except I'm not convinced she really can stay mellowed out for very long.

it was really interesting to see that in the wake of Vee, Crazy eyes was still sitting at the black table being called by her real name and getting some kind of social support from her peers. I was disappointed that the show didn't do anything with the kite though. Or if they did it was cut. I was expecting that

Not to mention that in Tyrion's rundown of powerful families in Westeros, no mention of the Tullies, Martells or Greyjoys. Surpising since the Martells are all on Team Targaryan.

Well I don't know if the story lines really needed Tommen and Mrycella to grow up.

I thought it showed how she is both don and Betty daughter