
Sidenote- Can I call shenanigans on Littlefinger not knowing that Ramsey's a sociopath and a murderer? It's not like it was this big secret, he murders people and brags about it and puts the dead bodies on display. It seems completely out of character for Petyr to be so clueless especially when it is so crucial to his

Guys if the show follows the book plot (starting to become a big IF at this point) then Maester Aemon's winter is coming. The entire season's already filmed (I think they film the entire season before its shown because of all the post production stuff)

I think Jorah will return to kidnap Tyrion?

I love that Shireen gets to be a real character in the show vs a basic pity object in the books

I always saw the Mereeen story-line as a big metaphor for Afghanistan/Iraq and the futility of a foreign country trying to build a new nation.

I swear even my cat was into Omar. Every time he was on screen my cat would watch the show, transfixed.

I was wondering about that.

Archer? Bob's burgers? Metalocalypse? Where's the love?

see I thought it was more than he was designed as a character to be this perennial villain who still has a blame for Linda and I think the show is done a good job of using that without over using it

sounds like a great episode to me

My husband and I were discussing one of the many failings of family guy is that you don't believe any of the characters care about each there except for brian/stewie.

Was anyone else missing Sophia this season? She just didn't have enough to do. I wish she had at least interacted with Sister Ingalls more than once this season. I was surprised that Vee didn't try to pull her into the cigarettes business.

I figured he was naturally laconic to begin with and then they throw in being exhausted, you end up just not talking. it was a really sweet capper on the scene.

I thought it was watson. Cindy would have been the ironic choice given it was her snitching that got the ball rolling.

I wish they had their own youtube channel or vine or something!

I think the highlight of Product Recall was Angela's remorseless customer service. Also we get to see that Kelly's actually pretty good at her job.

Go die in a fire.

Given that they laid the groundwork for Tysha and then not use it when it mattere,d it seems weird they'd devote 5 minutes of monologing about something that wasn't part of the books at all. I think sometimes the writers just feel like they have to put their own stamp on the show for shits and giggles.

Agreed. Arya is one of my favorite characters (as evidenced by my username which if memory serves I created first to discuss game of thrones on the av club) and I think Maisie's a fantastic actress. I think the writers and directors fell in love with the Arya and Hound buddy comedy,coupled with the fact that Sandor

Maybe she stalked someone.