
In season one when the inmates were talking to Piper about their appeals Poussay said something about how "she wasn't in Jersey when that shit went down" so it's vague enough for you.

Amen! I hope they reunite on the side of Awesome. I want more Tasty and Poussey play celebrity and discuss literature. I swear I'd pay Kohan for a webisode series of just Tastey and Poussey being awesome together.

I think the fundamental difference between Piper and Brook is that Brook doesn't seem to care what other people think about her, while Piper is obsessed with how other people see her. Brook's lack of self awareness seems to free to act on her conscience in a way that Piper wouldn't allow herself to do.

I think the other characters seem to tolerate Piper a lot better than SoSo but then level by which Piper annoys the shit out of everyone seems to flucate by episode. SoSo's mansplain of Ferris Bueler's day off was very reminiscient of Piper trying to man-splain the Robert Frost poem.

man that is some damning with faint praise.

I can just imagine Healey going for a mail order bride with some incredibly naivete that he'd get the perfect wife and she'd be all grateful to him instead of someone who resents that she had to marry him to get to America (I've dipped my toes into misgonyist blogs and it seems like a lot of them are obsessed with

I think she uses religion as an outlet for her rage and her ego.

I don't know how I feel about Arya not killing the hound. I think the writers got a little too in love with their weird friendship dynamic and kept forgetting she was his prisoner, that she was trying to get away from him, and that Book!Hound woudl not have let Arya have a sword or get up early to practice with it,

Again a perfect example of the show trying to explore an alternate reality "What if Shae really was a hooker with a heart of gold instead of a golddigger who had zero fucks to give" but then ended up having the same resolution.

Apparently we can't have Tyrion be anything other than the wise cracking woobie.

I have to wonder if they couldn't make this a 90 minute episode so you could have explained character's motivations? If they're going to make changes from the book to show can they at least justify why the characters end up doing the same things in the book without any particular reason for doing so?

Just that she was a pretty rich kid, her mother was emotionally distant. She was addicted to drugs, in part to get attention from her mother, fill the void in her life. And Red who helped her get off drugs.

I think it's intersting to see Piper without Alex AND Larry. I think she used her relationships with both characters to kind of hide behind them.

Maybe she didn't actually see Christopher visit? She was just going off what Morello had said?

I always wondered if she got the driving job because based on a lot of the flashbacks most of the prisoners (Daya, Alieda, Taystee, Nichols, Chapman etc) are NYC natives and likely wouldn't know how to drive?

Can i also give Yael Stone mad props for her accent? I think the last time I was so surprised about an actor's nationality since Idris Elba on the Wire?

I think Nicki kind of allowed Morello to have her Christopher fantasies because she enjoyed being fuck buddies (since she clearly knew Christopher was not really in the picture) but didn't really want to confront the issue until Morello stopped wanting to sleep with her. I think it was manipulative but not really

The government is constantly de-funding mental institutions while there's still plenty of money in prisons so I'm guessing there's an incentive to determine those who can stand trial to be declared competent. In Morello's case I'm not even sure anyone in her support system actually wanted to advocate for mental health

I don't know, I think a fraud case would really care about her stalking. I tried to use her prison sentence as a clue but it seems like fraud and stalking carry similar sentences.

Or that Daya and Aleida went to prison because they dated a drug dealer and for allowed drugs in their apartment but said drug dealer walks free.